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  • Protheus x RM Integration (Integrations)

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The integration enables information exchanging between some tables and Microsiga Protheus® processes with RM Nucleus.

When enabling the Microsiga Protheus® and RM integration, the System is able to send and receive data in XML format, among them. It works as follows:

  1. A message in XML format is generated via sending adapter for a Data Bank row.
  2. The row is read by an agent that sends the message for the TOTVS® ESB WebService.
  3. TOTVS® ESB receives the message (XML), transforms it into information (XSL) and send it to WebService in the recipient.
  4. The message is received the stored in a Data Bank row in the destination.
  5. The row is read by an agent that sends the message for the receipt adapter in the destination
  6. The receipt adapter reads and interprets the messages and processes data in the destination application.

Data are sent/received through functionality EAI (Enterprise Application Integration), available in the Configurator module.

To enable the integration, you must set parameter MV_LJGRINT with content equal to T.

Processes able to send and receive information.

The processes that are part of this integration are:

  • RM - Nucleus Data Receipt for Microsiga Protheus® modules Point of Sales and Shop Control:

Customer File

Product File

Product and Prices

Bar code File

Accounts Receivable (Return/Customer Credit)

  • Microsiga Protheus® modules Point of Sales and Shop Control data sending for RM Nucleus:

Sales Representative File

State file

Reduction Z (Summary Map)

Sales (Fiscal Voucher, Partial Cash Withdrawal and Supply)

Technical Features

The following set and active tools are requirements for the integration work:

  • Schedule

It starts the scheduling processes, generates run tasks and manages the task row.

  • EAI

It manages sent and received messages/transactions.

  • Routines that register and set the integration:

Processes / Processes x Tables / Standard Configuration /Load Configuration Wizard /Vacation Schedule, Cost Center, Default Schedule Table, Roles, Apportion Schedule, Payroll Items, Monthly Entries, Records Reading and Annotation, Holidays, Positions, Exceptions P/Period, Employee.


See Also

  • Schedule
  • EAI

Protheus x RM Integration

Aiming to offer an HR solution that meets customer needs, better servicing their Personnel and Human Capital Management, TOTVS has integrated the Microsiga Protheus HR products with RM.


Image RemovedImportant:

For the message of hours worked and for the time records, query table SPO - Annotation Periods to check the period(s) used to read the transaction.

Worked Hours - Single message sent by Protheus

Protheus receives in a single message (EAI), the registration and a period (initial and final date) and returns the registration and the total hours worked by employee in the period entered.
The hours worked by the employee are calculated by the CALTOTHR function, based on the period entered, besides the branch and the employee registration you wish to calculate. By setting the parameters, you can read the annotation file (SPC) or the annotation history (SPH), to get the hours worked by the employee.
The default time table (SPJ) is regarded if the employee(s) have no annotation(s).



Found in the company FROM/TO register.


If the value of field EployeeInternalId is null.

No registration is yet entered.

If the value of field StartDate is null.

Start date of search is required.

If the value of field FinishDate is null.

Finish date of search is required.

Attendance Time Records - Single message sent by Protheus

Protheus receives in a single message (EAI), the registration and a period (initial and final date) and returns the registration and the (attendance) time records by employee in the period entered.



Found in the company FROM/TO register.


If the value of field EployeeInternalId is null.

No registration is yet entered.

If the value of field TimeSheetStartDate is null.

Start date of search is required.

If the value of field TimeSheetFinishDate is null.

Finish date of search is required.


SRA - Employees Register
SPC - Annotations
SPJ – Default Time
SPH - Annotation History
SPG - Time Record History
SP8 – Time Record Transactions
