Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Some fields, whether mandatory or not, should always be filled in, since they enable the system to manage critical information.

Image ModifiedImportant:

  • If you need to edit the clients register, the Script option is available to help the process of qualifying, running and querying answers in it. This option is located in the register's top bar.
  • It is possible to assign a different profile in the clients register itself, where you can determine the profile, its validity and a note regarding the differentiated client.
  • When ERP Protheus has an integration with the Shipping Freight Management (SIGAGFE), this register is integrated with the routine Issuer Register (GFEA015).


If the Schedule routine and the EAI Adapter are configured, integration between TIN (TOTVS Real State Enterprising) and Protheus is possible for sending and receiving XML files according to the XSD ratified by TOTVS®.



The integration happens as follows:

  • Via Schedule: scheduling date and hour for initial load export execution in Reserver and later updated. If parameter MV_RESEXP is configured as 2 = Offline.
  • Registers/Customers: If parameter MV_RESEXP is 1=Online or 3=Online and Schedule, the integration is real time.


Image ModifiedImportant:

In case the Client isBlocked, it is automatically deleted from the Reserve, when unblocking is added again in the Reserve.

For process failures, a log to send e-mail is generated in Integration Log routine.



Integration with RM:

This routine features integration with RM System:

  • RM Classis Net

For technical details about the procedures of Deployment, Usage, Table Synchronization among Bases and Parameterization for Generation, check the Protheus X Classis Integration Manual available on the TDN portal.

Also check the information about Education Management.

  • RM - Nucleus

For further information, refer to topic Protheus x RM Integration of Store Control and Point of Sales.



Adding a client:

1. In Clients, select Add.

The add screen is presented, divided into tabs.

2. Fill out data of all tabs according to field help instructions.

     Filling out this register is mostly self-explanatory and is divided into tab. Pay attention to the following fields in each tab:

Image ModifiedNote:

The completion of the fields Tp.Entity and IRPJ Write-off answers law no. 10,833, from December 29, 2003, that defines the generator factor for the calculation and write-off of Income Tax for natural people or corporate entities by Public or Mixed , payment made and independent from the amount received, therefore, when added a direct receivable title in

the Finances

the Finances module or via integration with Income Tax does not generate Income Tax write-off for this client. Make total or partial write-off received and generated a title type IRF with status written-off with discount at the moment of the write-off.

3. Check data and confirm the inclusion.

Image AddedImportant:

The Contacts option allows accessing the register of contacts to associate with the current entity.


To bind a NIF to a customer:

NIF is the number offered by the foreign tax management organ indicating corporate entity or natural person. In case of sales, the NIF is bound to the customer service sold.

  1. In Customers, select a record and click on Edit.
  2. The Customers screen is displayed. In the Others tab, complete the field NIF with the desired content.
  3. Click Confirm to save.



Procedures to Import Neoway files

The file import using Neoway are viewed on screen of this routine with respective CNAEs and contacts


Select information and click Save. The system displays the screen update successfully completed.



Procedures to import client files

This option is used to import spreadsheets from this file.



  1. 1.   Access Related Features, select Others/ Import.
  2. 2.   View the screen displayed.
  3. 3.   In the field File trigger the option to the right to locate the file to import.
  4. 4.   After finding it, click Import. The System requests a confirmation, click YES.
  5. 5.   The System displays a screen to confirm file import.


  1. In Update\Sales\Accounts, click Related Features\Subclients.
  2. Field completion Primary Customer is made through a standard query and the content shown is filtered respecting the business structure. Therefore, are shown only client registers which can be defined as primary.
  3. The field Primary store will be completed automatically after selecting the primary client.
  4. To view actions/ quick actions, place the desired contact and click the right mouse button.
  5. In the option Generate Opportunity, the System displays the screen to add opportunity already with data of the client positioned (code, store, sales representative, name).
  6. Click Generate Appointment, the System displays the screen to add visit appointment, already with data of the client positioned (code, store, sales representative, name).
  7. In Contacts, it is possible to view the contact screen related to the client. If the account is within the sales representative business structure, it is possible to add/edit data shown.
  8. The Caption option display a screen with the explanation of icons shown in the structure, where:

a) Primary Contact

b) Secondary Contact

c) Secondary / Primary contact


Image ModifiedImportant:

In case the contact to be manipulated is within the defined domain for the user, both for business structure rules, for configured access permissions, feature options/ quick actions are disabled.



See Also
