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Sales Representatives (MATA040 - SIGAFAT)
Sales Representatives (MATA040 - SIGAFAT)

The Sales Representatives Register is fundamental to make the calculations and control commissions on product sales of a company, where it is possible to create its own criteria for the identification of each sales representative, making possible to split sales representatives by region or by product promotion.

All taxes that levy on the commission are controlled by the system and will be entered in specific fields.

For companies that use the Handheld device, there are fields that can enter messages to sales representatives and to the company.


In Configurator, configure the following parameters:

  • MV_TPCOMIS: Commission calculation can be online or batch. This definition is made through this parameter, selecting: O = On-line and B = Batch.
  • MV_COMIDEV: This parameter indicates if the invoices, regarding sales returns, can or cannot leave with negative values in the report Sales Commission. Standard content is .T. = Yes.



Image RemovedNote:

This routine features integration with RM - Nucleus system. For further information, refer to topic Protheus x RM Integration of Store Control and Point of Sales.


To add sales representatives:

1. In Sales Representatives, select the optionAdd.

The add screen is displayed, divided into tabs.

    • Sales Tab
    • Handheld Tab
    • Commission Payment
    • Exchange Integration
    • Others Folder

2. Fill out data according to the field help instructions.

3. This register is self-explanatory filled out, however Main Fields/Controls must be checked.

4. Check the data and confirm addition.

See Also


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