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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

Here are the main fields/controls of the classes register, which define the taxes which are calculated in the routines that use the registered class and its respective percentages.

  • Class Use
  • Calculate ISS
  • Calculate IRRF / IRRF Perc.
  • Calculate INSS / INSS Perc. / INSS Base
  • Calculate CSLL / CSLL Perc.
  • Calculate PIS / PIS Perc.
  • Calculate Cofins / Cofins Perc.
  • Teamster IRRF
  • Teamster IR Base
  • Teamster INSS
  • Ledger Account
  • PIS/Cofins Base
  • Class Group
  • Incur ITF
  • Examples
  • Type
  • Parent Class Code

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