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Types of Inflow and Outflow


  • Calculate taxes regarding the registered documents (inflow or outflow). as well as, define its registration in the ISS, ICMS and IPI Tax Records (integration with  Tax Records).
  • Control inflow and outflow of products/values in stock (integration with modules: Inventory and Costs , Invoicing and Purchases), updating inflow and outflow costs.
  • Add automatically bills in the receivables portfolio (sales/outflow) and in payables portfolio (purchases/inflow) (integration with modules Invoicing and Purchases);
  • Register automatically fixed assets, from inflow documents regarding purchase of fixed assets (integration with Fixed Assets);
  • Register the binding Customer x Product/Equipment for fiscal document outflow (integration with module Field Service);
  • Add expenses to the project cost or incomes received during the project (integration with module Project Management);
  • Calculate taxes regarding transportation documents and, when necessary, calculate taxes regarding autonomous freight (integration with Transportation Management).
  • Calculate variable taxes regarding specific taxation, as for example, localized taxes.

Basically, a type of inflow and outflow is comprised by a user-defined code (following the specifications described below), a pre-defined CFOP - Fiscal Operation Code (described in table 13 in the system) and the different configurations that may occur for each CFOP, taxable or non-taxable. This way, several TIO can use the same CFOP.


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Parameter MV_CREDICM, aims at deducting ICMS value calculated from the inflow tax invoice cost. If this parameter does not exist in the dictionary or its content is false (.F.), the system behaves in a standard way, that is, it does not deduct ICMS value of item cost. If the content is true (.T.), the ICMS value is deducted from the item cost (as long as the TES is configured correctly).

For the system to deduct the ICMS value, field Credit ICMS is configured with option Yes and field Group Value is filled out with option I=ICMS+Merc.

Types of Inflow and Outflow - TIO (MATA080 - SIGAFIS)

Types of TIO

While adding a TIO, you must observe the definition of Type Code (code of the type of inflow or outflow) that must be filled out according to the criteria:


Type Code




0XX to 4XX and 500


Inflow Documents


5XX to 9XX (except 500)


Outflow documents

In Fiscal Code, you must enter the CFOP (Fiscal Operation Code), the first digit indicates the type of fiscal operation (grouped according to the shipping establishment location or the initial location of service providing):

  1. Inflow of material or goods within the user State or acquisition of services started in the same State;
  2. Inflow of material or goods outside of the user State or acquisition of services started in other State;
  3. Inflow of foreign material or goods, imported directly by the establishment, or acquisition of services started abroad;
  4. Comprises operations in which the establishment involved are located in the same State;
  5. Comprises operations in which the establishment involved are located in different States;
  6. Comprises operations in which the receipt is located in other country.

The other digits must be entered according to the fiscal operation. Find below some examples:

  • For inflow documents, refer to Inflow Fiscal Codes.
  • For outflow documents, refer to Outflow Fiscal Codes.


After using a TIO (Type of Inflow and Outflow) to classify a fiscal document, it must not be changed. This is because TIO is one of the main registers, responsible for the integration with other modules.

For further information, refer to Adjustment SENIEF nr. 03 of 9/24/94, DOU of 10/5/94.


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Treatment is available for calculation and registration of operations with scrap, which the base is to send scrap for processing and when it returns (material has been already processed), the supplier issues an invoice describing the values charged for the processing, and calculates the ICMS on the amount charged. In this operation, additionally to calculate and pay ICMS on the processing total amount, ICMS on raw material (scrap) sent for processing must also be calculated.

To implement this, it is extremely important to create/check the following field:

Table: SF4

Field: F4_OPERSUC (Operation with Scrap)

Type: Character

Length: 1

Format: @!

List of options: 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Default Starter: 2=No

Validation: Belongs to(' 12')

Header: Oper.Scrap

This field indicates if the operation regards scrap.


To add a Type of Inflow and Outflow:

  1. In the Types of Inflow/Outflow maintenance window, click Add.
  2. Fill out information according to field help instructions; however, refer to relevant information in each folder detailing.
  3. Folder Adm./Fin./Cost
  4. Folder Taxes
  5. Folder Others
  6. If parameter MV_GERIMPV is activated, in the lower part of the window, the system displays an area to define variable taxes.
  7. Check the data and confirm addition.

See Also

  • Variable Taxes File
  • Generic Queries - SF4 - TIO File
  • IF chi
  • Fee Withholding END
  • Inbound Document for PIS COFINS Import calculation.
  • Reprocessing