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  • VAT Calculation (MATA995 - SIGAFIS)

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 Image Added

VAT - Value Added Tax - levies on the following operations of Portuguese market:

  • Sales of goods and services made in national territory.
  • Goods Import.
  • Intra-community operations (with member states of European Union) made in national territory.

VAT has different fees for invoice ancillary values: freight, insurance, taxed ancillary expenses, and tare. Thus, VAT of goods and services as well as VAT of each one of ancillary values are calculated and saved separately, enabling each value calculated to be identified in the document.

Legislation Contemplated:

  • Decree-law nr. 442-B/88

For further information, check:




Protheus provides all basic configurations of Variable Taxes and TIO for VAT. If you need to add new configurations, check the registers:


Example of configuration of Variable Taxes:


Tax Code

Inflow Formula

Outflow Formula

Tax Record Field

Fee %

VAT of Goods






Freight VAT






2. In TIO - Type of Inflow and Outflow, VAT calculation must be indicated.


  • Region: this field is in the folder Taxes and it must be filled out. The following Taxation Regions are considered standard by the system: 001-Continent, 002-Independent Region of Madeira, 003-Independent Region of Azores, 004-Intra-community, and 005-Extra-community.

ptgImage ModifiedImportant:

If the operation is exempt from VAT, the customer or supplier must be registered with the content of the field Type equal to 3 - VAT Exemption: natural person, or 4 - VAT Exemption: legal entity. Thus, VAT value that was going to be calculated is registered as exempt now. If you need to consider a customer or supplier that is not exempt in a specific operation as exempt, VAT Plan enables the exemption configuration to be made.

  • Withhold VAT: this field must be filled out if VAT value calculated must be withheld. For this, the field must be checked as Yes. With this configuration, the Financials module can make the withholding when the bill payable or receivable is written off.
