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The routine Normative Instructions make available the generation of electronic file with information of transaction and inventory for the ICMS refund request of Ceará State.

To whom it is applicable

Taxpayers that perform interstate operation with products subjected to the tax substitution regime.


To make official the ICMS reimbursement request.


State – Ceará

Delivery term


Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find


Types of Records Created

Record 1 - Inflow Interstate Operations


 This record displays information on products considered in record 1.

Image ModifiedImportant

When dealing with Inventory Type register not completing the fields regarding CFOP, Taxes in General, Invoice Data and other information. Only the following fields are completed: Issue_Inv, Code_Product, Amt_Product, Description, Trade Measurement Unit and NCM.

We can stress that on record 2 are stated the items that had interstate operations with ST and also had an inventory for this same period, for example: If product  "X" has 2 outflow, 1 Inflow and 1 inventory record, it will be shown 4 times on record 2.