This routine allows generation of a pre-formatted file to import to ISS, for the municipality of São Leopoldo. The program treats only information regarding service providing Invoices.
To whom it is applicable | Companies acquirers or providers of services. |
Purpose | Generate a statement file presenting services provided and acquired. |
Jurisdiction | City - Curitiba - Rio Grande do Sul |
Delivery Term | Monthly, until the 10th day of the month subsequent to the occurrence of the generator fact. |
Application provided by tax authorities | There is not one. Application remittance must be performed via internet, through the City Hall website. |
Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus® | There is not one. |
Where to find it | |
Legislation | Decree nr. 3,719 Decree nr. 4,904 |
Types of Generated Records
The file tomador.xml must have the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?> - <declaracao> - <retencao cpfcnpj=""> - <info_retencao data_informacao="" exercicio="" mes="" observacao="" aplicacao=""> <nota_retencao data_emissao=“" numero="" serie="" cpfcnpj_prestador="" atividade_desenvolvida="" valor_bruto="" valor_deducao="" valor_tributavel="" aliquota="" valor_retido="" numero_servico="" /> </info_retencao> </retencao> </declaracao> |
Tomador.xml File:
a. XML Record: XML file header
The file prestador.xml must have the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?> - <declaracao> - <empresa nome="" inscricao="" cpfcnpj=""> - <informacao exercicio="" mes="" atividade_desenvolvida="" aliquota="" basecalculo="" observacao=""> <nota data_emissao="" numero="" serie="" valor_tributavel="" situacao="" valor_bruto="" valor_deducao="" cpfcnpj_tomador="" numero_servico="" /> </informacao> </empresa> </declaracao> |
Prestador.xml File:
a. XML Record: XML file header
xi. Item numero_servico: transaction code
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