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ICMS Information and Calculation Form

Generates the pre-formatted file to import GIA - ICMS Information and Calculation Form from the state of Matos Gross. The program contains information exclusively referred to the Tax Records environment.

GIA is generated as a ".TXT" file, in the XML format. The file content has the following structure:

<FieldName>FieldData</ FieldName>


To whom it is applicable


To State of Matos Gross ICMS taxpayers




Generate pre-formatted magnetic file to the GIA-ICMS import.




State – Matos Gross


Delivery Term




Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find it


Types of Records Created

Record Type 1

This record contains general information relating to GIA and the Taxpayer.

This record generation is performed based on data present in the Companies File and on responses to the routine parameters.

Record Type 2

This record contains general information on the taxpayer.

To generate this record, the system uses information from GIA additional parameters (taxpayer type, company name, telephone number, accounting records, Jucemat date and SEFAZ date).

Record Type 3 - Other Information

This record contains additional information relating to GIA-ICMS.

To generate this record, the system uses information of the GIA additional parameters (frequency, origin city, destination city, fiscal CNAE, initial cash, final cash, initial employees, final employees, accountant type, accountant CRC, period transaction and year transaction).

Record Type 4

This record contains information referring to the stock inventoried.

To the generation, the system uses information of the "Initial Balances" table.

  • The initial inventory values are generated according to the values of the "Initial Balances" table (SB9), on 12/31 of the previous year. It is critical to carry out the inventory closing at this date, when:
  • the frequency is monthly and the reference month is January;
  • the frequency is semiannual and the reference period is the 1st semester;
  • the frequency is annual.
  • The final inventory values are generated according to the values of the SB9 table, on 12/31 of the previous year. It is critical to carry out the inventory closing at this date, when:
  • the frequency is monthly and the reference month is December;
  • the frequency is semiannual and the reference period is the 2nd semester;
  • the frequency is annual.

Record Type 5 - Calculation

This record contains information on the ICMS calculation.

To the generation, the system uses information of the ICMS Calculation routine.

  • To the monthly GIA, it is necessary to calculate only the reference month;
  • To the semiannual GIA, it is necessary to calculate 6 months (from January to June or from July to December);
  • To the annual GIA, it is necessary to perform 12 calculations (from January to December).

Record Type 6

This record contains information on the ICMS collection.

To the generation, the system uses information of the ICMS calculation.

  • To the monthly GIA, it is necessary to calculate only the reference month;
  • To the semiannual GIA, it is necessary to calculate 6 months (from January to June or from July to December);
  • To the annual GIA, it is necessary to perform 12 calculations (from January to December).

Record 7 - Inflows and Outflows

This record contains information on the transactions of materials inflow and outflow.

To the generation, the system uses information on the Tax Records, filtered by the reference period (monthly/semiannual/annual).

Annex III - Interstate Operations

It includes information on interstate operations and services. To the generation, the system uses information on the Tax Records, filtered by the reference period (monthly/semiannual/annual) and by the CFOPs:

  • to the inflows, the CFOPs starting with 2;
  • to the outflows, the CFOPs starting with 6;


Image RemovedNote:

According to the website of the Finance Department from the state of Mato Grosso, from January 2007 on, interstate operations must be monthly entered in the GI annex (Annex III) of GIA ICMS, and no longer annually.

Annex V – Exemption

It contains information on outflow values exempt and non taxed of goods and services.

This record uses information on Tax Records, filtered by the reference period (monthly/semiannual/annual).

The "Code" field of the exempt or non taxed outflow type is fixed as “1499”. This code is detailed as "Others" in the table of the GIA-MT program help. The value returned is the sum of all values exempt from the period.

Annex VI – Other

It contains information relating to the values details of "Other Credits" indicated in the calculation.

To the generation, the system uses information of the ICMS calculation.

In Configurator module, option Module/Registers/Parameters, note or create the following parameters:












Fields of SA1 table that have customer city code, used to identify the type of withheld ISS.




<Field of SA1 table that has customer city code>
















Fields of SA2 table that have supplier city code, used to identify the type of withheld ISS.




<Field of SA2 table that has customer city code>




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