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  • Generating the Tax Report - RN (MATA950 - SIGAFIN)

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Generating the Tax Report - RN (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Generating the Tax Report - RN (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

1. In the Tax Records module, option Miscellaneous/ Magnetic File/ Normative Instructions, fill out the routine parameters as described below:

Start Date?

Enter the initial date for processing the Normative Instruction.

End Date?

Enter the final date for processing the Normative Instruction.


Image RemovedImportant:

Since the Tax Report must be delivered annually, the first and the last day of the year informed in the start date of this routine are considered when generating the file.

Normative Instruction?

Enter the configuration file name without the .INI extension. For this magnetic media, enter INFISRN.

Target File?

This question can be ignored, since the Tax Report – RN has a defined nomenclature, required by the validation program.

Select Branch?

Inform if more than one branch must be selected to generate a file.

2. After you confirm it, the specific parameters of the Tax Report are displayed. Configure them according to field help instructions.

Type to be generated

Select the type to generate the report, which can be 1 – Trade/Service or 2 - Industry.

Inflows registered through fiscal action

Enter the total of inflows registered upon fiscal action in the year.

Inflows reg. through voluntary disclosure

Enter the total of inflows registered upon voluntary disclosure in the year.

Outflows calculated through fiscal action

Enter the total of outflows registered upon fiscal action in the year.

Outflows reg. through voluntary disclosure

Enter the total of outflows registered upon voluntary disclosure in the year.

Total of internal production

Enter the total value of goods production in the establishment in the year. This field is considered only if the selected type is 2 – Industry.

Utility expenses

Enter the total expenses in the year.

Rent Expenses

Enter the total rent expenses in the year.


Enter the total spent with payroll in the year, including directors' compensation and service provision.

Fees, contributions and ancillary charges

Enter the total spent on fees, contributions and ancillary changes.

Purchases and transfers in the country

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the goods purchase and transfer operations in the country.

Inflows from other countries

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the goods inflow operations from other countries.

Sales and transfers in the country

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the goods sale and transfer operations in the country.

Outflows for other countries

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the goods outflow operations to other countries.

Inflows in the country - fixed assets

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the purchase and transfer operations in the country of goods destined to fixed assets.

Inflows from other countries - fixed assets

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the inflow operations from other countries of goods destined to fixed assets.

Inflows in the country - consumption material

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the purchase and transfer operations in the country concerning consumption material.

Inflows from other countries - consumption material

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the inflow operations from other countries concerning consumption material.

Inflows in the country - raw material

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the purchase and transfer operations in the country concerning raw material. This field is considered only if the selected type is 2 – Industry.

Inflows from other countries - raw material

Enter the CFOPs , separated by slash (/), used in the inflow operations from other countries concerning raw material. This field is considered only if the model selected is 2 – Industry.

3. Check the parameters and confirm. By the end of the processing, the conclusion screen is displayed, informing that the file has been generated with a standard name. This standard has the following format: fiscal year + State Registration of the taxpayer + file type (01 or 02) and the file extension (.if).