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Electronic Invoice - ARG (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Electronic Invoice - ARG (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

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Generation of electronic invoice in magnetic medium is available, in compliance with General Resolution (RG 1956), based on the following regimes:

  • RG 1361: Optional regime of electronic storage of invoice copies (duplicados) and mandatory regime of electronic record of transactions (Technical Bulletin RG (AFIP) 1361);
  • RG 1956: Optional system of electronic generation and storage of original vouchers;
  • RG 2014: Complements RG 1956 and defines the records layout for communication with AFIP.

RG 1361 - Optional regime of electronic storage of invoice copies (duplicados) and mandatory regime of electronic record of transactions (Technical Bulletin RG (AFIP) 1361).

It comprises the taxpayers who match the characteristics of people responsible registered or exempted from VAT. The system consists of issuing the original voucher on paper, to be delivered to the buyer, supplier or lessee, and the duplicate will be stored electronically.

RG 1956: Optional regime of electronic issue and storage of original receipts.

Optional system for generating and electronically storing original vouchers. It comprises taxpayers registered in VAT, who join or are part of the special system of electronic trade notes (RG AFIP 1361).

Vouchers included:

  • Invoices A and B;
  • Debit Notes A and B and
  • Credit Notes A and B.

RG 2014 - Complements RG 1956 and defines the records layout for communication with AFIP.

It adds to RG 1956, annexes with layout of the records for generating .txt files for communication with AFIP.

Taxpayers who join this system must follow the procedure below to generate and send their electronic invoices:

  • Request the AFIP the authorization to generate the electronic invoice: the taxpayer must generate a request file, in text format, according to the layout defined in RG 2014, with information about invoices to be generated and send it to AFIP.
  • Check the answer from AFIP: AFIP, based on the request file, generates, as an answer, files containing approved and not approved invoices. Approved invoices have a CAE - Electronic Authorization Receipt. CAE must be attached (saved) to the respective invoice. The rejected invoices must have the reason for rejection.
  • Send the invoices to the clients: Approved invoices, already with CAE, can be sent to the client. The mode of dispatch must be agreed between the taxpayer and his client.
  • Review of invoices not approved: Taxpayer must check the reason for disapproval and take the convenient measures (cancel invoice, remake it, etc.).


To whom it is applicable


Taxpayers enrolled with IVA, which are included in the electronic invoice copies (duplicados) special regime (RG AFIP 1361).




To implement an electronic invoice issue system, for trade transactions within internal market, allow to replace the traditional method (paper).


Delivery term






Federal - Argentina


Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)


R.E.C.E. – System of Issue of Electronic Vouchers. This application is a complement to the main system S.I.Ap. – Integrated Applications System.


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority



Legislation contemplated


General Resolution – RG 1361 / 02

General Resolution – RG 1956 / 05

Implementation procedures


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