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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


This routine allows data for the identification of a prospect. For the system, a prospect is an account that works for the formation of a sales opportunity. Therefore, we can say that a well worked prospect can generate a future customer.

Register data are extremely important for sales management, once all sales opportunities are directed to prospects.

In the module Invoicing this routine makes possible scheduling visits. For more details, see topic Visit Scheduling Option.

Prospects are identified in the routine maintenance window, by a caption that indicates customer status:

 = Outdated;

 = Classified;

 = Development;

 = Manager;

 = Standby;

 = Canceled;

 = Customer;

Image ModifiedImportant:

  • A Suspect can be automatically transformed in Prospect as long as previously qualified in the register of Suspect. In this case, he is identified as classified.
  • A qualified Suspect cannot be changed in the register of Suspect. From this moment, on changes in the register of Prospect can be made.



Registering a new Prospect manually:

  1. In Prospects, select
  2. Enter data according to field help instructions.
  3. Check data and confirm procedure.


Related Features

  • Scripts (Scripts Campaign)

Makes possible to query all campaign scripts already answered by the entity and the inclusion of new script runs to its contacts.

  • Contacts


To detail or add a campaign script:

  1. Click Scripts.
  2. The system shows a list of scripts answered by the entity, with a status identifier at the moment of the answer (identify if suspect, prospect or client). Show also some details such as date, contact, campaign name and type of script.
  3. To leave this screen click Close.


Still in this screen through the option Add Add we can:

Click the scroll bar and select the first contact.

Double click the campaign combo you want to select and confirm.

View the screen answer screen Dynamic Scripts.


Procedures to Import Neoway files

The file import using Neoway are viewed on screen of this routine with respective CNAEs and contacts.

Select one of the imported Suspects. Notice the field CNAE CodeCode in this code.

To update imported data, use the option Update Contacts accessible by related Features.


  1. Access Related Features/ Others/ Import.
  2. View the screen displayed.
  3. In the field File trigger the option to the right to locate the file to import.
  4. After finding it, click Import. The System requests a confirmation, click YES.
  5. The System displays a screen to confirm file import.


See Also

The registered Prospects, in the list SUS - Prospects Register by the topic Generic Register Query.