Páginas filhas
  • CiaShop E-commerce (MATA050 - SIGAFAT)

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


For the CiaShop E-Commerce Integration process is necessary to enter the e-comme. Code, the code that corresponds (from <-> to) to the Delivery Method registered on CiaShop E-Commerce. The code related to carrier register must be the same received by the order XML. It is necessary to create a carrier code on Protheus® for each submit type code configured on CiaShop administrative website. 



To register Carriers:

  1. In Store Control, access Carriers.
  2. Select Edit or Add.
  3. Complete the main fields.
  4. On e-comme. Code, complete the E-commerce delivery method, according to configured on CiaShop E-Commerce .
  5. Check the data and click Confirm.

Help_buttonImage ModifiedImportant:

By default, the e-comme Code field size is configured with 3 positions, if the delivery method code is greater, change the field size by the Configurator Environment, such as related fields: Del. Method .


See Also: