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  • Assisted Sales (LOJA701 - SIGALOJA)

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The main purpose of Assisted Sales is to facilitate service and customer relationship through an interface easy to use.

It enables a customized service, based on negotiation, as well as allowing product reservations in any store of the chain. It provides a sales resource in two stages, quotation and payment, also to be used in pre-service before the customer checks out.

Assisted sales operations consist in:

  • Defining a quotation/salefor the products to be sold, amounts, and values
  • Defining the payment method of the sales transaction (cash, check, credit card, debit card, financing, etc.), using rules defined in the payment term register or according to the term negotiated during the transaction.

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  • A Discount Value can be defined for products through the Discount Rules routine. The value defined is applied to the Assisted Sales, and it is viewed through the Disc. Vl. field.
  • For all countries, but Brazil, the system enables you to perform sales in other currencies, as long as they are set and registered with their respective rates. The detail for this procedure can be checked at Different Currencies.
  • The MV_LJCABT parameter in Receiving Bills configures whether to subtract the value of deduction bills from the balance of the bill to be received. Thus, with the parameter enabled, the value of the bill to be received is calculated by deducting the deduction bills, such as IRRF, PIS, COFINS and CSLL.
  • When the parameter MV_LJTPCOM is configured with content equal to 2, it enables the adding of sales representatives by quotation item. For multiple sales representative sales, it must be saved in the Invoice table, to be later used in the report Sales Representative Invoicing.

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In Brazil, it is possible to use the Credi-Shop® credit card as payment method using the Dialed EFT option. Transactions are performed by the module provided by Credi-Shop.

For further information, access the site: http://www.credishop.com.br.

  • Finish the sales transaction by generating a receipt or invoice.

This routine enables you to work with the concomitance principle, i. e., by entering or canceling a product item, the receipt can be printed at the same time. This feature is enabled by setting the MV_LJVACC parameter to .T. so that the sale be concomitant.

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  • To control the net amount received in cash, the MV_LJTRDIN parameter is available. When enabled, this parameter makes the system not store the change amount entered in the Change field.
  • The Assisted Sales routine provides a file to print the quotation, ORCAM.PRG. In case the company needs another format to print the quotation.

Store Control also enables a sales transaction to be made separately in stages (quotation) or in a single operation, according to the structure of each store.

The user must be previously identified by password in order to be able to run the options of this routine. The cash register must be also open. If it is not open, a message is displayed to confirm whether the user wants to open the cash register.

The routine update screen displays the following options:

  • Transaction
  • Quotation
  • Finish Sales Transaction

Calculation of Variable Taxes

For all countries, except Brazil, the formula for calculating variable taxes for each country must be registered and configured in the TIO (Type of Inflow and Outflow). Values calculated are saved in the fields L1_BASIMPn, L1_VALIMPn, L2_BASIMPn, L2_VALIMPn, and L2_ALQIMPn, where n is the variable tax index.

Sales of Product Kits

It is possible to perform the sale of product kits both in Assisted Sales and Point of Sales. Sales of product kits speeds up the sales operation, since it enables the selection of several items comprising a product kit.

To do so, you must use the Accessory Register and configure the parameter MV_LOJKIT as .T.

Also in this routine, service orders can be generated at the conclusion of a quotation, from the need of delivering and assembling the items sold. Thus, through Field Service, the client may schedule service orders for delivering and assembling the products. This functionality depends directly on the order generation by the Assisted Sales routine.

After selecting the product, delivery and assembly dates may be suggested according to how the following information is filled out:

  • Delivery date: The MV_LJDIAEN defines the default number of days for delivery, which is added to the sales issue date and results in the suggested delivery date, filling out the Delivery Date
  • Need of product delivery is identified by the Delivery and Delivery Date

The following options are available for delivery:

 In the Delivery field, choose a different client from the default client, add a product in the item grid and select the delivery method:

  • Take Later - A quotation is generated in the current system branch, or in another one, so that the client may pick up the product at a later date. This option may only be used if the product is reserved using the F11 - Reserve.
  • Take -The receipt for the item is printed, so that the client may pick up the goods when the sales transaction is finished. If the product reservation was made in another branch, a child quotation is included in this branch, so that the receipt is generated and goods are delivered in the destination branch.
  • Delivery - A sales order is generated in the current system branch, or another one, so as to issue the outbound invoice referring to these goods using the Invoicing module of Microsiga Protheus® and deliver the goods to the client at a later date. This option may only be used if the product is reserved using the F11 - Reserve.
  • Assembly Date: The MV_LJDIAMO defines the default number of days for delivery, which is added to the sales issue date and results in the suggested assembly date, filling out the Assembly Date The Assembly Required field has the options YES and NO.

The need for product assembly is identified through the Assembly Date field.

Delivery and assembly dates are calculated by using sale saving date plus the amount of days entered in the respective parameters (in the sum of days, Sunday is not considered).

After filling out both dates, you must assure that the assembly date is not earlier than the delivery date.

To generate the order service, you must have the serial number entered in the sales transaction item.

The number of service orders created follows the MV_LJTPPED parameter, which is responsible for determining the break at the order creation, i. e., it determines that an order be added for each contact entered in the quotation.

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In the service order, the occurrence code shows content that must be saved through the following parameters:

  • MV_TECOCOA: The standard occurrence that is used in the automatic opening of the Service Order must be entered for scheduling.
  • MV_TECOCOM: The standard occurrence that is used in the automatic opening of the Service Order must be entered for assembly.


Direct Sales with EFT Issue and Transaction Print in Invoice

Clients who have the Invoicing module containing Direct Sales on the menu have the invoice issued after concluding a sale. When selecting the Credit Card or Debit Card option, you must perform the operation as configured in the Station register.

If you cannot use a printer to print the EFT receipt, EFT receipt data must be printed in the invoice.

Routines involved in this process are: Cash Summary, Wizard to Set the Till Float, Wizard for Cashing Up, Password Configuration and Cash.


Sales Scenario

Parameter MV_LJRETVL follows the rule of price searching by considering the lowest and the highest product value among all lists of active prices, not considering parameter MV_TABPAD. It displays the following completion options:

  • 1 = Returns the lowest value of a price list.
  • 2 = Returns the highest value of a price list.
  • 3 = Returns the table price set in parameter MV_TABPAD (Legacy). This option keeps the legacy option in which the table set in parameter MV_TABPAD  is used to search the product price to search for the product price, in case the Sales Scenario implementation is active in parameter MV_LJCNVDA.

If parameter MV_LJRETVL is not set with option 3, the product price is searched in Price List that are active; the result is displayed according to the completion as follows: 1 (the lowest price) or 2 (highest price).  

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For Sales Scenario, you must consider the following information:

  • Price List
  • Transaction: when you enter a sales item, the system searches for the product price according to information registered in the Price List defined in parameter MV_TABPAD.     


Direct Sales and Assisted Sales

The operational similarity between Direct Sales and Assisted Sales resulted in the unification of some aspects, such as:

  • Cash concept (Opening and Closing).
  • Simplified process without no need to add sales order nor approvals of credit and stock.
  • Operation via TEF (Electronic Funds Transfer) for sales with credit and debit card.

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  • Integrated Direct Sales: Clisitef in non fiscal printer (Daruma DR 700L).
  • Assisted Sales: Dialed TEF, Pay&Go, Direction and Clisitef in fiscal printer (ECF).

The access to Direct Sales is executed by module Invoicing considering its license.

The off-line use of sale interface keeps restricted to Assisted Sale due to  PAF-ECF (applicable to retail only). Also, the operation of Direct Sales does not affect the Assisted Sales and vice-versa.

The following features are ensured:

  • Direct Sales does not print Tax Receipt.
  • Assisted Sales does not print Invoice (except when use has AIDF release).
  • The taxes specific of Invoicing do not change the value of sales executed in Assisted Sales.
  • The taxes specific of Retail do not change the value of sales executed in Direct Sales.
  • The routines specified in Direct Sales are executed only when enabled by Invoicing.

The Deletion of Invoice contemplates the cancellation for both Direct Sales and Assisted Sales.

Some requirements of Assisted Sales are contemplated in Direct Sales:

  • Reasons for Non Sales (Sales Lost).
  • Multi negotiation.
  • Sales Suggestion.
  • Several pre services in a single sale.
  • Extended Guarantee.
  • Future Sale without Stock.
  • Logistic Redirection.
  • Logistic Redirection Report.
  • Adjustments in Bills Receivable.
  • Credit Note.
  • Last-minute Sales.
  • Discount on next purchase.
  • Change of delivery order.
  • Filter in stock query in other branches.
  • Differentiated rates in sales with credit card.
  • Sales promotion with credit cards.
  • Equivalent products.


Electronic Invoices - Mexico

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The Electronic Invoice is the digital representation of a digital receipt (CFD) and it has the same tax due date that a paper invoice has.

The CFD (Digital Receipt) can be generated at end of each sales transaction by users that are not cash register operators. If the cash is tax-related, the CFD is generated in Invoice on Receipt.

The MV_NUMITEN parameter defines the maximum amount of items in the invoice. When the number of items exceeds the content registered in this parameter, more than one invoice, and consequently more than one CFD, are generated.

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It enables the generation of on-line accounting entries.


See Also

  • National System for Management of Controlled Products (Brazil and Drugstore Template)
  • Integration of Intelligent TIO with Assisted Sales and Point of Sales
  • Sales Reversal
  • Discount Rules
  • Multiple EFT Transactions
  • EFT Receipts
  • SITEF Code
  • Off-Line Comissions
  • SIGALOJA x SIGAOMS Integration
