Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This option can be used to define the access rules or restrictions to requesters while adding a Purchase Request.

In this register, you must enter the type of domain the requester has while adding a Purchase Request. Restrictions can be defined for a single product or for a group of materials.

Besides, you can determine which purchase group will analyze the request made by the user/group of users and proceed with the purchase process.

Help_buttonImage AddedTip:

To define purchase restrictions of a product or group of products, you must configure:

·    The field Restriction of Product Register, changing its content to Yes.

·    The parameter MV_RESTSOL, changing its content to Yes.

Example 1:

User: 000001

Material Group



Purchase Group






17-inch Monitor



This example shows that the requester 000001 has rights to add purchase requests for the entire group of electronics, except 17-inch monitors. Besides, it shows that the purchase requests will be analyzed by the purchase group 000001.

Example 2:

User: 000002

Material Group



Purchase Group





This example shows that only the requester 000002 can add purchase requests for the product Computer. Besides, it shows that the requests registered will be analyzed by any purchase group.

Example 3:

User: 000001

Material Group



Purchase Group






17-inch Monitor











In this example, the purchase restrictions were redefined for the requester 000001. Indicating now that the requester 000001 has rights to add purchase requests for the entire group of electronics as well as that the purchase requests will be analyzed by any purchase group.

Help_buttonImage AddedTip:

When the purchase restriction is entered for a group of users, only the domain Add is valid.

The option Redefine of the field Domain makes the system ignore all other items and consider only the item from the redefinition.



Registering requesters:

  1. While accessing the routine Requesters, the window Requester Register is displayed with the options for adding/deleting/changing a group of users. IF V11,V115,V116,V117This window is divided into the following areas:
  • User
  • Group of Users

2. Placing the cursor on the area User, click Add.

The window System Users is displayed with all the users not registered as requesters.

3. Select the user to be registered as a requester and click Confirm.

A new window Requester Properties - User: Add is displayed for defining the purchase restrictions for this user.END IF V119

4. Select the User, click Add.

This window is divided into two areas:

  • Products: Data is displayed in columns.
  • Accounting Entities: Data is displayed in columns.END

5. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

6. Check data and confirm the inclusion.


See also

You can create a report through the option Generic Query, selecting the table SAI - Requester Register.

Check also the following registers:

  • Approvers
  • Purchasers
  • Purchase Group
  • Approval Groups
  • Competence Control
