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  • Script of Operations (MATA310 - SIGAFAT)

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Script of Operations (MATA310 - SIGACOM)
Script of Operations (MATA310 - SIGACOM)


This script exemplifies the procedures that must be followed before running the Product Transfer among Branches.

In the Company register, check if branches were registered with different CNPJs.

To run the routine Product Transfer among Branches, each branch of the company must have its own CNPJ, that is, branches must have different CNPJs.

This script aims at exemplifying the transfer between two branches (Branch 01 and Branch 02) of the same company, transferring balances in stock of Branch 01 (origin) to Branch 02 (destination). It considers data tables were configured with exclusive use, that is, registration data used in the example must be entered in each branch as described.


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To have the transfer among branches made, even for products without initial balance, configure the parameter MV_TRANSB2, that generates automatically a balance zeroed in the warehouse registered for the product.

Invoicing Module

  1. Product Register (Branch 01)

In Branch 01, select the option Products and add products as follows:

Product 01 of Branch 01 (PROD1F1)

Product 02 of Branch 01 (PROD2F1)

2. Register of outflow TIO that is used to generate tax documents (Branch 01)

Select the option Types of Inflow/Outflow and add the code 501 (type of outflow for transfer among branches).


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In the folder Others of TIO register, the field Branch Transfer must be filled out with YES.

3. Customer Register (Branch 01)

Select the option Customers and add the customer.


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In the folder Sales of Customer register, the field Risk must be filled out with Risk A.

In the material transfer process, to generate the outbound document in the origin branch (outbound branch), Branch 02 must be registered as a customer in the database of Branch 01. Thus, you can transfer balances from Branch 01 to Branch 02. Customer validation is made by the CNPJ concerning the branch. Therefore, the CNPJ must be registered according to the branch of user's file.

4. Payment Term Register (Branch 01)

Select the option Payment Term and add a payment term.

Inventory and Costs Module

  1. Register of Initial Balances of products that are transacted among Branches (Branch 01)

Select the option Initial Balances and enter initial balances as follows:

Initial Balance - product 01 of Branch 01 (PROD1F1)

Initial Balance - product 02 of Branch 01 (PROD2F1)

2. Product Register (Branch 02)

In Branch 02, select the option Products and add products as follows:

Product 01 of Branch 02 (PROD1F2)

Product 02 of Branch 02 (PROD2F2)

Products registered in Branch 01 must also be in Branch 02, that is, they are the same for both branches.

3. Register of Initial Balances of products that are transacted among Branches (Branch 02)

Select the option Initial Balances and enter initial balances as follows:

Initial Balance - product 01 of Branch 02 (PROD1F2)

Initial Balance - product 01 of Branch 02 (PROD1F2)

The same way products were registered in Branch 02, their balances must be added in it, even if they are entered as zero, in order to enable the balance transaction among branches.

4. Register of inflow TIO that is used to generate material inbound documents (Branch 02)

Select the option Types of Inflow/Outflow and add the code 001 (type of inflow for transfer among branches).


Help_buttonImage RemovedImportant:

In the folder Others of TIO register, the field Branch Transfer must be filled out with YES.

5. Payment Term Register (Branch 02)

Select the option Payment Term and add a payment term.

6. Supplier Register (Branch 02)

Select the option Supplier and add a supplier.

In the material transfer process, to generate the inbound document in the destination branch (inbound branch), Branch 01 must be registered as a supplier in the database of Branch 01. Thus, you can transfer balances from Branch 01 to Branch 02.

Supplier validation is made by the CNPJ concerning the branch. Therefore, the CNPJ must be registered according to the branch used in system.

See Also
