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  • Configuration and Installation of TOTVS® Service SPED (SPEDNFE - SIGAFIS)

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TOTVS® Services SPED is an application developed in Microsiga Protheus platform that answers and runs web services and use a relational database. It is recommended for customers that do not use relational database, to use a free SGBD (Database Management System), such as MySQL and/or DB2 Express. The choice for SGDB is because all SPED Project applications use a SGDB, due to the great volume of data.

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There is an integration process, similar to TSS, with Neogrid named TOTVS Colaboração. This integration is due to Protheus communication with Neogrid and SEFAZ. Neogrid allows supply chain management. The process is executed when TOTVS communicates with TSS informing if entity is part of TOTVS Colaboração (TS), through a service enabled by TSS.  When presenting the TC resource, TSS can communicate with neogrid. If contrary, system communicates regularly, using TSS. In order to configure this functionality, use the following parameters: MV_SPEDCOL, MV_PASSCOL, MV_USECOL and MV_CONFALL.

Configuration/processes to be performed when installing  TOTVS® Services SPED:

1. It is recommended to install system in a separated environment, for security purposes, however, there is no restriction of use in the same server and same DATABASE. For further details, it is suggested to check online help of Protheus Installation Manual, to view procedures on application and installation of application ByYou DBAccess.

2. Create an environment using configuration Wizard of .INI of ByYou Application Server - Protheus. For further information, check: Installation manual of TOTVS® Application Server - Microsiga Protheus® (TOTVS® Wizard – Configuration Wizard).

3. During installation, Web services HTTP and TopConnect must be configured, using configuration Wizard of Protheus INI.

For further information, check Protheus installation manual (TOTVS Wizard – Configuration Wizard).

4. Configure Web services and http using configuration Wizard of .ini. ofTOTVS® Aplication Server - Microsiga Protheus®.

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Before continuing, select configuration file of INI of ByYou Application Server - Protheus, and in section JOB_SPED_XXYY (XXYY = Company + Branch) retrieve information PREPAREIN. This is indispensable for the proper functioning of Totvs Services SPED and for no licenses consumption. After this alteration, run Wizard once again.

5. Configure Workflow service of NF-e and using configuration Wizard of INI of TOTVS® Aplication Server - Microsiga Protheus®, enter function Advpl SPEDWF. Then, end Wizard up as it will no longer be used.

6. Make sure hardware chosen has http communication with SEFAZ of origin and test it using a browse and SEFAZ webservice address, found in the taxpayer integration manual, if a digital certification is requested, the http access was made. Avoid installing digital certification in browser, for security purposes, if it is installed, remove it.

7. If communication of browse with SEFAZ uses a communication proxy, configure INI extension file of TOTVS® Aplication Server - Microsiga Protheus®, as




Enable = 1

Server = <ip address>

Port = <port>

User = <dominium\user>

Password = <password>


If you have any questions, contact your network administrator.

8. If system is installed, a directory below RootPath must be created to inform the location of communication digital certificates for SEFAZ of origin. Place A1 model digital certificates in the created directory and configure the INI extension file of Microsiga Protheus according to following example:





CertificateClient=C:\totvssped\certs\<name of certifiedfile>.PEM

KeyClient=c:\totvssped\certs\<name of private key file>.PEM



Microsiga Protheus® works with PEM type certificates, which are compatible with Linux and Windows, however, if it receives certificates in other formats, for example, the most common are certificates type PKCS12 (extensions pfx, p2b or p12), it has to convert before informing them. Protheus can perform this procedure later on. If this is the case, return to this item after entry of the digital certificate in NF-e configuration Wizard found in the folder: <RootPath>\certs.

9. Access NF-e portal: http://www.nfe.fazenda.gov.br/portal/schemas.aspx, download XML schema packages of your NF-e layout and place them separately in directory\schema\, below rootpath. If there is doubts on the correct package, download all or use file schemas.zip provided in our update packages.

Image AddedImportant:

TOTVS® Services SPED is developed to work with digital certificates type Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) as it is compatible with Linux and Windows. However, you can receive from your Certifying Authority or from the Revenue Department, a certificate type Personal Information Exchange (pfx, or p12). If this happens, change the digital certificate first and then enter certificate name and password. After confirmation digital certificate was accepted, check folder ‘certs’ found below RootPath of Totvs Services SPED. This folder holds two digital certificates used to fill out the SSL key mentioned in the installation of TOTVS® Services SPED.

The system is also developed to HSM use and it is recommended by the Federal Revenue Department for the security provided by the device; it is obligatory for users that emit more than 1000 invoices/day.

ByYou Application Server provides integration with HSMs of SAFENET brand, homologated models were:

  • ProtectHost EFT

For full NFe functioning, it is necessary that digital certificate in HSM is imported with the following directives:



See Also

  • NF-e SEFAZ
  • Concepts about NF-e
  • NF-e Benefits
  • Five Steps for Implementation
  • Application Procedures
  • DANFE Print Out
  • Cancellation of NF-e DANFE