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  • Complementary Information - GIPS - Joinville SC (MATA950 - SIGAFAT)

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Complementary Information - GIPS - Joinville SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Complementary Information - GIPS - Joinville SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

To correctly generate the GIPS Joinville, consider the following:

1. The system allows the following Payment Forms:

For type F - (F) Outside the Replaced-city:

  • Inflow Invoice - It considers the invoices received from outside the city (customer/vendor city must be different from JOINVILLE) and the tax is withheld by the service acquirer (Field Collect ISS –Supplier=”2”).
  • Outflow Invoice – It considers invoices generated to outside the city (customer/vendor city must be different from JOINVILLE) and the service code must be one of the 21 existing in the art. 11 of the LC 155/03 included in question 7 of this routine.

For type S - (S)ubstituted:

  • Inflow Invoice - It considers the field Collect ISS (Vendor File) checked as 2 (No).
  • Outflow Invoice – It considers the field Collect ISS (Customer File) checked as 1 (Yes).

For type O – (O)rigin:

  • Inflow Invoice – It considers the field Collect ISS (Customer File) checked as 1 (Yes).

For type M - (M)Paid Outside the City:

  • Outflow Invoice - It considers the invoices generated to outside the city (customer/vendor city must be different from JOINVILLE). The service code must be one of the 21 existing in the art. 11 of LC 155/03 included in question 7 of this routine and the field above created above the table SF4 must be No.

For type C – (C)anceled:

  • Inflow/Outflow Invoice – It considers the invoices canceled.

For type I – (I)Exempt:

  • Inflow/Outflow Invoice – It considers the exempt invoices.

For type P – (P)Own:

  • Outflow Invoice - When not applied to any other situation.

2. For field type of collection of Record Type N (Invoice data) to be properly generated, check the following fields in TIO - Type of Inflow and outflow File and in Tax Records.


TIO File (Table SF4)


Tax Payment (F4_ISSST)


This field indicates if the tax is being collected inside or outside the city, where:

1=Inside City;2=Outside City


Tax Records (Table SF3).


Tax Payment (F3_ISSST)

This field indicates if the tax is being collected inside or outside the city, where:
