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DS - Americana SP (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
DS - Americana SP (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

Use this routine to generate, via magnetic medium, the DS - Statement of Services to meet the needs of the Cuiaba/MT, Dourados/MS and Americana/SP city governments.


To whom it is applicable


All taxpayers who pay the ISSQN - Tax on Services of Any Nature, are required to hand in the DS.




The DS allows the City Government to control the entire bookkeeping process of tax documents for services rendered and contracted.


Delivery Term








Application available from tax authorities


Invoice Control System


Version of the application included by Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find the application available from tax authorities



Legislation Involved


Complementary Law 043/97

Types of Records Generated

The program to import, validate and transmit the Statement of Services separately imports the tax documents of services rendered and contracted. Thus, the execution of the normative instruction generates two distinct magnetic files: one having the outbound documents (services rendered) and another with the inbound tax documents (services contracted).

Record of Services Rendered

It contains the tax documents of services rendered by taxpayer, issued in the period selected. The information are generated according to the data saved in the Tax Records file, but only of outgoing service transactions.

Record of Services Contracted

It contains the tax documents of services contracted by taxpayer, issued in the period selected. The information are generated according to the data saved in the Tax Records file, but only of incoming service transactions.


1. The City Government Statement of Services only accepts certain serials in tax document entries. In case the serial used is not valid, it is rejected when the magnetic file is imported. Be mindful that the serials used for invoicing and inflow entries are from the table offered by the city government.

2. If you wish to configure serials to be replaced by valid serials, use the MV_SERIE parameter. Remember this configuration is used for Services Rendered and Services Contracted.
