Páginas filhas
  • Chart of Orders by Supplier

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  • Esta linha foi removida.
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The chart Purchase Orders by Supplier displays the slices corresponding to each Supplier related to Purchase Orders generated in a period preset through an interval of dates in the chart's register.



This feature is in pilot testing phase; that is, not yet available to all customers.

titlePractical example of the process using Protheus
titleAdd Chart

To add a new chart of Batches Due:

1) Click the menu Manage Charts.

2) Click Add.

3) Fill out the fields in the following sequence:

a) Chart Template: In the combo, select the chart Batches Due.

b) Chart Title: Enter a title for the Chart.

c) Status: Enabled

d) Chart Help: Use this feature to enter a help description for the chart.

e) Chart Type:  Select a chart type, whether pie or polar chart.

f) Branch: You can select the branch from which to get the data. Field not required. If the user does not fill it out, the system uses data from the branch selected upon system login.

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titleEdit Chart

To Edit a Chart:

1) Click the menu Manage Charts.

2) Select the chart "Batches Due".

3) Edit any data you want.

4) Click Save to finish the operation:

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titleChart Types
titlePie Chart

To use the Pie Chart, configure it as shown below:

1) Click the menu Manage Charts.

2) Click Add.

3) Fill out the fields in the following sequence:

a) Chart Template: In the combo, select the chart Batches Due.

b) Chart Title: Enter a title for the Chart.

c) Status: Enabled

d) Chart Help: Use this feature to enter a help description for the chart.

e) Chart Type:  Select Pie.

f) Branch: You can select the branch from which to get the data. Field not required.


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titlePolar Chart

To use the Polar Chart, configure it as shown below:

1) Click the menu Manage Charts.

2) Click Add.

3) Fill out the fields in the following sequence:

a) Chart Template: In the combo, select the chart Batches Due.

b) Chart Title: Enter a title for the Chart.

c) Status: Enabled

d) Chart Help: Use this feature to enter a help description for the chart.

e) Chart Type:  Select Polar.

f) Branch: You can select the branch from which to get the data. Field not required.


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titleChart Filters
titleFilter by Period

The chart Batches Due can filter by Period.

At the top of the chart, items with the period of days are separated by their respective colors.

When you click any period, the chart dynamically responds by enabling or disabling the view of the period selected.


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titleFilter by Branch

The chart Batches Due can filter by Branch.

Field not required and not filled out by default. In this scenario, the system uses data from the branch selected upon system login.

To add a filter to the chart Batches Due:

1) Click the menu Manage Charts.

2) Select the chart Batches Due.

3) When you click the field Branch, you can select one or more branches to filter:

4) Click Save to finish the operation:

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titleDrill Down - First Level

When you click the Details button of the chart, a list is displayed with the items that compose the batches due within a 120-day period.

The tool will always load a list with a gap every 10 items.


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titleDrill Down - Second Level

The first chart level displays the batches due within periods of 30, 60, 90 or 120 days; however, you can check the specific items of a given period.

To check the items that correspond to a specific period, just click the period desired for the chart to display a second level of the period selected. The Details button lists only the items of this period.


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