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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Speaking of publishing Form in community ...

In the existing Forms in the communities you can publish forms and manage them.

This tab only appears if the administrator or moderator enable it in the community, i.e. define the community allows the publication of forms.

Publish a form in a community


01. In the community in which the form will be published, trigger the Forms tab.


04. In the form's Content, insert the desired fields-which are available in Add fields to the form.


The fields available to compose forms in communities are:
Allows you to include a line of text in which the user's answer will be inserted.
Allows you to include a line in which the user can enter numeric data in response to the question.
Allows you to include a row in which the user can enter a date in response, formatted in the default mm/dd/yyyy.

Allows you to include a frame in which the user can enter a text as an answer to the question.

Allows you to include a field of type combobox with predefined options, or with options dynamically loaded from a dataset, in which the user selects an option in response to the question.
Allows you to include a field of type list with predefined options, or with options dynamically loaded from a dataset, in which the user can select one or more options.
A choice
Allows you to include a field of type radio button in which the user can select only one option in response to the question.
Multiple choice
Allows you to include a field of type checkbox where the user can point out various options for an answer.
Allows you to include a search field in which the user can view all the options available through the zoom and select the option that will be your answer.Evaluation
Allows you to include a field of type rating star in which the user can define a value in the range of 0 to 5 stars as evaluation.

05. Configure each field inserted as desired.


Each field type has specific features. It is possible to configure them according to the needs, customizing the name, options, whether or not a field mandatory response, among other peculiarities.

To change the characteristics of a field inserted on the form, press the Edit icon located in the upper right corner of the frame that corresponds to the field and change the information in the table presented on the right side of the window.




The Privacy item applies in accordance with the enactment of the Brazilian General Data Protection Regulation (LGPD or LGPDP) in the organization.

Click here to learn more about how the organization will adapt to the LGPD regulation.

The Privacy item can be configured in all fields within a form, except for the Evaluation field, indicating whether the field contains personal or sensitive data, in order to ensure the confidentiality of information and prevent unauthorized access to the data, either accidentally or unlawfully.

01. Select the desired field and click Add personal data.

02. Enter field privacy information as needed.


Type: allows selecting a data type classified as sensitive or hidden. Available types: Name, Email, CPF, RG, Driver’s license, Employment record card, Voter ID, Passport or others, depending on

the type of component to which privacy is being configured.

Is this data sensitive? Enable this option if the chosen data type must be classified as sensitive.

Indicates that the data is classified as sensitive and will be informed in the user data report (Data Export).

Sensitive data is data on racial or ethical origin, religious beliefs, political opinions, affiliation to a union or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data regarding health

or sex life, and genetic or biometric data, when linked to an individual.

Is it possible to anonymize this data? Enable this option if the chosen data type must be concealed.

Enabling this option indicates that the data may be concealed from the database, if the data owner requests anonymization, but the fields continue appearing normally in the form.

Classification and justification

Classification: Classification allows selecting which reason generated the need to configure data privacy. Available classifications: Contract execution, Legal obligation, Consent, Execution of

public policies, Study by research entity, Regular exercise of law, Life preservation, Health guardianship, Rightful interest, and Credit protection.

Excuse: Allows writing a justification for data request and the intended use purpose. To enter a new classification and justification, click Add, next to the Classification and justification menu.

To delete, click the Bin icon, located to the right of the classification and justification

03. Click Add to include component privacy.


Allows you to include a field of type rating star in which the user can define a value in the range of 0 to 5 stars as evaluation.

05. Configure each field inserted as desired.


Each field type has specific features. It is possible to configure them according to the needs, customizing the name, options, whether or not a field mandatory response, among other peculiarities.

To change the characteristics of a field inserted on the form, press the Edit icon located in the upper right corner of the frame that corresponds to the field and change the information in the table presented on the right side of the window.

06. Press Save form.

Post to multiple communities from one community


01. Access the community in which you wish to post;

02. With the post form ready, click Post on;

03. The list of communities will be displayed;

04. Select the desired communities. You can choose as many communities as you wish. There are no limits to adding communities;


Note that the selected communities will be featured in tag format. If you wish to switch a community, just click the X next to each community's name and make the necessary switch. The post will be made in the first selected community and displayed as shared in the other communities.

05. In the emoji icon Image Added you can add emojis next to the post if you want.

06. Click Post06. Press Save form.

Configure Forms preview Published in Community


01. In the community from which the forms will be displayed, activate the Forms tab.


04. View the forms according to the settings defined.

Edit published form in Community


01. In the community where the form is published, the Forms tab.


06. Press Save form to make changes or Cancel to discard them.

Extract form Answers report Published in Community


01. In the community on the form from which the answers are extracted, start the Forms tab.


06. View the generated report containing the answers extracted from the form.

Show partial result of Form Published in Community


01. In the community on the form from which the statistics will be displayed, activate the Forms tab.


05. Show partial statistics of the answers made to the form.

Edit published form in Community-advanced


01. In the community where the form is published, the Forms tab.



The Advanced option directs to the navigation folder of documents in which the item is stored. In this location, it is possible to have access to all available functions for documents, such as rename it and edit its properties.

Remove Form Published in Community


01. In the community where the form is published, the Forms tab.


05. In the confirmation message that appears, press Yes to complete the deletion or Not to drop out of the action.

Answer Form Published in Community


01. In the community where the form is published, the Forms tab.


05. Trigger Respond to effect the responses entered on the form.

Share Form


01. In the community where the form is published, the Forms tab.


07. Press Share; or Discard to withdraw from action, if desired.

Get Link of the form


01. In the community where the form is published, the Forms tab.



To activate this option, the link address for the form is copied to the Clipboard, allowing it to be shared on other sites, such as documents, tools, e-mails etc.

If the browser used does not support sending the URL to the clipboard, when pressing Copy link, a table is presented containing the selected link and it is necessary to press "Ctrl + C" to copy it effectively.

It is possible that some users cannot view the contents for which the link directs due to access permissions.

Show form Shares


01. Fire the frame that contains the number of times that the form was shared, located on the sharing icon on the form.



It is possible to search a specific sharing through the search field located in the upper right corner of the window.

It is possible to view the content on the site in which it was shared by pressing the icon located in the right corner of the line corresponding to the share that will be displayed.

Create form in community Category


01. In the community in which the category of form will be created, trigger the Forms tab.



To activate Save, the category is created and presented in the table of categories. Pressing the arrow located on the right side of the category name, you can access the options to rename, add to Favorites, share or remove the category. You can also search a category using the category Filter field.

The categories created are displayed as options in the category field in creating or editing a form.

Rename Category to Form in Community


01. In the community in which the category of form will be changed, the Forms tab.


05. Enter the new name for the category.

06. Press Save.

Add or Remove Favorites Form category


01. In the community to which the form category belongs, trigger the Forms tab.


04. Press Add to Favorites or remove from Favorites, according to the action you want to perform.

Share form Category


01. In the community to which the form category belongs, trigger the Forms tab.


titleLearn more

The message that will accompany the shared content can contain up to 700 characters.

07. Press Share.

Get Link Form category


01. In the community to which the form category belongs, trigger the Forms tab.



To activate this option, the link for the category targeting of form is copied to the Clipboard, allowing it to be shared on other sites, such as documents, tools, e-mails etc.
If the browser used does not support sending the URL to the clipboard, when pressing Copy link, a table is presented containing the selected link and it is necessary to press "Ctrl + C" to copy it effectively.

It is possible that some users cannot view the contents for which the link directs due to access permissions.

Remove form Category


01. In the community to which the form category belongs, trigger the Forms tab.


titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the Lake (1.67.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.