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Speaking of publishing video in a community...

On existing Videos tab in the communities it is possible to publish videos and manage them.

This tab only appears if the administrator or moderator enable it in the community, i.e. define the community allows the publication of videos.

The video formats format supported by the community are is MP4 and FLV.

Users can also add YouTube video URLs to posts in the community, which will be rendered on the timeline, but not saved in the Videos tab.


Post video in a community step


Image Added Visualize o passo a passo

01. In the community in which where the video will be published, trigger the Videos tab.


The Videos tab only appears if the administrator or moderator of the community enable it.

02. Press "add video".


The publication of videos can also be done by drag and drop (drag and drop).

03. Select the video to be published.

04. Confirm the inclusion of video.

Show Video posted in Community

01. In the community from which the video appears, press the tab Videos.

posted, click the icon Image Added below the Post in field. This icon represents the publication of videos.

02. The video gallery will be displayed. Select the video that will be posted.

03. The video will be embedded next to the posts bar.

04. You can also draft a text to accompany the video in and add emojis next to the post if you want.

05. Choose where the video will be posted in Post in. You can choose multiple communities and user profile to post.

06. Once you are ready, click Post

View video posted in community step


01. In the timeline of the community from which you want to view the video, find the video to be viewed and click the Play icon Image Added.

02. You can also view the community video gallery from the Videos Image Added tab above the What do you want to post text box?02. In the listing displayed, locate the video to be displayed and click on it to open it;-.

03. View the contents of the video.


Here, you need to click the video to be viewed that will open at the downloaded resolution and then click the Play icon Image Added. To return to the listing list of existing videos, press return to, Gallery, located click Back to gallery in the upper-right corner of the window.

Post to multiple communities from one community


01. Access the community in which you wish to post;

02. Click the icon Image Added below the Post in field. This icon represents the publication of videos.

03. The video gallery will be displayed. Select the video that will be posted.

04. The video will be embedded next to the posts bar.

05. In the Post in field, enter the name of the desired communities.

06. The list of communities will be displayed;

07. Select the desired communities. You can choose as many communities as you wish. There are no limits to adding communities;


Note that the selected communities will be featured in tag format. If you wish to switch to or remove a community, just click the X next to each community's name and make the necessary switch.

The post will be made in the first selected community and displayed as shared in the other communities.

08. Click Post.

Rename Video Published in Community


01. In the community where the video is published, trigger the Videos tab.


05. Enter a new name for the video.

06. Press Save.

Remove Video Published in Community


01. In the community where the video is published, trigger the Videos tab.


05. In the confirmation message that appears, press Yes to complete the deletion or Not to drop out of the action.

Upgrade physical file of the video posted in Community


01. In the community where the video is published, trigger the Videos tab.


05. Drag and drop (drag and drop) the physical video archive updated or trigger Browse file to locate and select it on the workstation.

06.Trigger Upgrade.

Share Video


01. In the community where the video is published, trigger the Videos tab.


07. Press Share; or Discard to withdraw from action, if desired.

Get Link of the video


01. In the community where the video is published, trigger the Videos tab.



To activate this option, the link targeting for video is copied to the Clipboard, allowing it to be shared on other sites, such as documents, tools, e-mails etc.

If the browser used does not support sending the URL to the clipboard, when pressing Copy link, a table is presented containing the selected link and it is necessary to press "Ctrl + C" to copy it effectively.

It is possible that some users cannot view the contents for which the link directs due to access permissions.


View video shares


01. Fire the frame that contains the number of times that the video was shared, located on the video-sharing icon. In the community where the video was posted, click the Videos tab Image Added.

02. The video gallery will be displayed, below the icon Image Added is an orange square that contains the number of shares for the video. Click the square to display the screen showing how many shares the video had02. View information relating to shares of the video.


It is possible to search a specific sharing through the search field located in the upper right corner of the window.

It is possible to view the content on the site in which it was shared by pressing the icon Image Addedlocated in the right corner of the line corresponding to the share that will be displayed.

Create video gallery in Community


01. In the community in which the video gallery will be created, trigger the Videos tab.


05. Enter a name for the video gallery.

06. Press Save.

Rename video gallery in Community


01. In the community in which the video gallery is changed, press the tab Videos.


05. Enter the new name for the video gallery.

06. Press Save.

Remove video gallery in Community


01. In the community to which the video gallery belongs, trigger the Videos tab.


05. In the confirmation message that appears, press Yes to complete the deletion or Not to drop out of the action.

Share video gallery


01. In the community to which the video gallery belongs, trigger the Videos tab.


07. Press Share; or Discard to withdraw from action, if desired.

Get Link of the video gallery


01. In the community to which the video gallery belongs, trigger the Videos tab.



To activate this option, the link for targeting video gallery is copied to the Clipboard, allowing it to be shared on other sites, such as documents, tools, e-mails etc.

If the browser used does not support sending the URL to the clipboard, when pressing Copy link, a table is presented containing the selected link and it is necessary to press "Ctrl + C" to copy it effectively.

It is possible that some users cannot view the contents for which the link directs due to access permissions.

View the Shares video gallery


01. Fire the frame that contains the number of times the video gallery has been shared, located on the share icon in the video gallery.



It is possible to search a specific sharing through the search field located in the upper right corner of the window.

It is possible to view the content on the site in which it was shared by pressing the icon located in the right corner of the line corresponding to the share that will be displayed.

Insert video into a video gallery


01. In the community to which the video gallery belongs, trigger the Videos tab.
