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Check out the new features available in the fluig 1.6.4 update:




Introducing Fluig Forms BETA – a brand new form editing experience


Conector de Widget


Use images and videos to make your company portal more engaging!



Conector de Widget


More security when viewing your process


Deck of Cards
labelNova coluna PermissõesNew column Permissions

Conector de Widget

Attachment rules - Create without code


Have a manager view of the processes on the mobile

Do you want to interact and make decisions on process requests in which you are the manager, even when away from the office, using the mobile application? Customers who are process managers need to be connected to all the tasks of the processes under their management. Therefore, given the requests, you can now view the tasks through the Terafas tab under my management located in the task center of the mobile platform. Enabling a routine with more agility, allowing to follow the progress of the tasks under management wherever you are!


This update is already available for download in the Android and IOS versions.

titleStay intuned!

For more details about the settings of this feature, access the User Documentation Configure Activities and Flowson Tasks under my management, visit our uusary documentation: Tasks under my management.

Deck of Cards
labelRegras de anexos

Conector de Widget

For a more fluid block drive!

The field Tasks under my management available in the platform's mobile application

Image Added

Attachment rules - Create without code

We already understand! Security is vital to your business, and creating security for attachments in your process activities is also a priority. The new Attachment Rules tab has been specially modeled to allow or restrict the inclusion of attachments by types, names, and / or quantities. Attachment rules are events that will occur in moving from one activity to another, and may occur in normal activities or start-up activities.

titleStay in!

For more details about the settings of this feature, access the User Documentation Configure Activities and Flows.

Deck of Cards
labelAttachment rules

Conector de Widget

For a more fluid block drive!

Our customers loved being able Our customers loved being able to move their processes in block. This brings agility and productivity. Now at Waterdrop, it got even more fluid. Previously the movement of activities was interrupted if one or more activities presented inconsistency. And it was hearing our customers that we brought this news. Now when moving block activities, if one of the requests has some type of error, all other requests that have not been inconsistent will be moved without interruption. At the end, the summary of the movements brings the status of activities that have been successfully moved and which have not been successful so that they can be verified. Pretty cool huh?


Deck of Cards
labelMovimentando solicitações em blocoMoving block requests

labelSolicitações corretas prosseguem com a movimentaçãoCorrect requests continue with moving

Manually executed service activity is a hand on the wheel!


Deck of Cards
labelMovimentação de atividade automáticaAutomatic activity movement

Now it has become much easier to cancel requests!


Deck of Cards
labelCancelar solicitaçãoCancel request

Conector de Widget


Deck of Cards
labelIniciando solicitação pelo Listar TarefasStarting Request by Task List

labelSolicitação iniciadaRequest started

labelVisualização das solicitações na Central de tarefasView the requests in the Task Center

labelVisualização da tarefa aberta Open task view

labelNova tela para seleção e visualização do gráfico New screen for graph selection and visualization

labelApresentação da tela de Solicitação movimentada com sucessoRequest screen successfully moved!

Image Removed
labelSolicitações iniciadas no Listar tarefas disponíveis para aprovação no aplicativo Approval
Requests started in List Available Tasks for Approval in the Approval Application

Image Added


A new evaluation experience to surprise your users!

Answering evaluation questions – in most cases – gets you nervous, doesn’t it? That is why we have improved the evaluation process and made it more comfortable – or less tense ;) – offering you more usability and practicality, as well as a much more pleasant, user-friendly layout.


Deck of Cards
idExecução de avaliações
labelStart evaluation

labelAnswer questions
Deck of Cards
labelMultiple choice


labelDrop-down list


labelSelectable gap







labelComplete evaluation
Deck of Cards


labelAwaiting grading

labelRate evaluation

labelView performance

It’s up to you: allow or not allow registrations from the history?

Don’t you wish you could request registration in tracks and training courses from the user’s history?


Deck of Cards
idTracks and training settings
labelTracks and training settings

labelRegistration request allowed

labelRegistration request not allowed



Integration Wizard - Create Datasets from REST Services


Deck of Cards
labelCriação de Serviço tipo Rest com Creating Rest Service with swagger

labelCriação de Creating a Dataset from a partir de um serviço Rest Service

Access View and Synonym in your database queries


Deck of Cards
labelNovo tipo de visualização dos dados da tabelaNew type of table data view.


Updated indexing engine brings benefits for your platform

We’ve got great news for you! The indexing engine has been updated and now features improved security and performance, and optimized resources. Revisions were also made to improve the rate, achieving a reduction of over 50% in used disk space compared to previous versions. There’s more, high availability configuration has also evolved and now it allows registration of more addresses, providing redundancy in case of failure in one of the services.


<div style="font-family: arial;text-decoration:none;" onMouseOver="this.style.text-decoration=underline" class="div_fluig">Read the full news story <a target="_blank" href="https://suporte.totvs.com/portal/p/10098/suporte-fluig-noticias?id=734">here</a>.</div>


Documentation news 

  • Noticed that SCORM content stopped working when using Google Chrome? Check out this FAQ to learn how to fix it.
  • Questions when creating an acceptance test environment? We’ve added new documentation topics covering possible settings that have been configured on the platform. Click here to check them out.




  • Fixed a problem with the integration between fluig and fluig Identity so that Identity data are updated correctly in the Company in question.


  • Updated Certisign Digital Signature component that allows approved browsers to digitally sign documents and processes in the fluig platform.


  • Made changes to display all the released question topics when creating an evaluation block.


  • Applied improvements for better performance when generating LMS reports.
  • Fixed the association between requirements and subject class topics.


  • Fixed terms used in notifications, from English to the correct language selected by the user.


  • The following endpoints have been re-added to the platform API and fixed for the new service default: /wcm/api/v1/pages/, /wcm/api/v1/layouts/, /wcm/api/v1/layouts/pageCode/pages/ e /wcm/api/v1/pages/pageCode/reset.
  • Fixed inconsistency when accessing a subpage not yet posted via the side menu of the Snowflake theme. In this situation, the platform displayed the message “Unable to load the menu”.Added the Search, Notification Center and Messaging widgets to the Collaborative layout so that they are displayed after applying this layout to a page.
  • Deleted the User profile widget from the list of widgets available to be added to pages, as it was being incorrectly displayed.The page Store Items has been moved to the General tab of the Control Panel to make it easy for the company administrator to find it.
  • Fixed application of themes to pages so they use the theme set for the company. 
  • The Datatable component description and examples in fluig Style Guide were supplemented to make it easier to understand the feature.
  • Changed page behavior when resized to very low resolutions so that the search bar is no longer displayed, avoiding layout breaks.Fixed ERP information loading in the Quick Search widgets.
  • The filter available on the Control Panel Groups page has been fixed to allow search when there is paging because there are more than 30 registered groups.
  • Restored display of items in the side menu (Classic theme) that were not being loaded when one of the custom pages had the Enable sub-pages option checked, and the Display sub-pages in the sub-menu option unchecked.
  • Fixed the fluig Style Guide Datatable component in order to respect the mobileMainColumns property settings.
  • Fixed an issue in the 1.6.3 EP3 update for environments that use the Oracle database.
  • When importing a page, the registered description was replaced by “Imported version”. Fixed the issue to keep the original description. 
  • When a community was disabled, the internal dataset “CommunityDataset” still had the community as active. Fixed isActive column value to display the correct status of the community.  
  • When adding the News widget of the intranet kit, the time of the timeline posts was not displayed. Fixed behavior and updated the intranet kit package.
  • Fixed rendering in the search feature of the fluig Style Guide Filter component.
  • Restored option to change companies for platforms with use experience enabled in the snowflake theme.
  • Restored display of the “Tags Cloud” widget added to a community so that the most used tags are correctly displayed.
  • When updating an environment with the 1.6.1 update or lower, some components were not created. Fixed configuration to create all the components.
  • api/v1/pages/pageCode/reset.
  • Fixed inconsistency when accessing a subpage not yet posted via the side menu of the Snowflake theme. In this situation, the platform displayed the message “Unable to load the menu”.Added the Search, Notification Center and Messaging widgets to the Collaborative layout so that they are displayed after applying this layout to a page.
  • Deleted the User profile widget from the list of widgets available to be added to pages, as it was being incorrectly displayed.The page Store Items has been moved to the General tab of the Control Panel to make it easy for the company administrator to find it.
  • Fixed application of themes to pages so they use the theme set for the company. 
  • The Datatable component description and examples in fluig Style Guide were supplemented to make it easier to understand the feature.
  • Changed page behavior when resized to very low resolutions so that the search bar is no longer displayed, avoiding layout breaks.Fixed ERP information loading in the Quick Search widgets.
  • The filter available on the Control Panel Groups page has been fixed to allow search when there is paging because there are more than 30 registered groups.
  • Restored display of items in the side menu (Classic theme) that were not being loaded when one of the custom pages had the Enable sub-pages option checked, and the Display sub-pages in the sub-menu option unchecked.
  • Fixed the fluig Style Guide Datatable component in order to respect the mobileMainColumns property settings.
  • Fixed an issue in the 1.6.3 EP3 update for environments that use the Oracle database.
  • When importing a page, the registered description was replaced by “Imported version”. Fixed the issue to keep the original description. 
  • When a community was disabled, the internal dataset “CommunityDataset” still had the community as active. Fixed isActive column value to display the correct status of the community.  
  • When adding the News widget of the intranet kit, the time of the timeline posts was not displayed. Fixed behavior and updated the intranet kit package.
  • Fixed rendering in the search feature of the fluig Style Guide Filter component.
  • Restored option to change companies for platforms with use experience enabled in the snowflake theme.
  • Restored display of the “Tags Cloud” widget added to a community so that the most used tags are correctly displayed.
  • When updating an environment with the 1.6.1 update or lower, some components were not created. Fixed configuration to create all the components.
  • In a snowflake-themed company, the user was not notified they received a notification until the page was refreshed. Fixed behavior so that the notifications are displayed in real time.


  • The counter displayed next to the Task central tabs (Due tasks, My requests, etc.) was fixed to display the correct number of pending activities after a block task is cancelled.
  • The button for the table containing additional information and displayed when a problem occurs while moving a process has been renamed to “See technical details” in order to make the intention of this feature clear. In addition, the information about the operating system and the database has been omitted in order to display more relevant data.
  • Added calls to JavaScript and CSS files in the application.info file when exporting a new widget created without using a fluig Studio default template.
  • Allowed automatic activities to run more than once when there is a return flow for this task.
  • Added support for the Oracle database additional drivers to the Datasets feature of the Control Panel.
  • Created the History data import documentation to assist users in exporting data from analytics.
  • Implemented innovation to allow search by value in the task central, not requiring an exact value. As there are requests with different Department values, the value must be “Department%” for the search by field to return all departments, for example “HR Department” and “Financial Department”. In addition to searching values at the end of the word, the beginning and middle of the word are also allowed.
  • When accessing the task load analysis page in an Oracle environment, it generated errors while grouping to search for activities. Some missing fields have been added to the query in order to group tasks.
  • Fixed inconsistency when using a custom engine in the process manager, where only 1 record was displayed when querying in the task central, in the tasks under my management tab.
  • There was a problem with the calculation of the completion deadline for a task when the process working hours were not set for some reason, not allowing the request to be moved. This situation has been fixed.
  • Fixed inconsistency to allow taking up a task as a substitute for a pooled user.
  • Fixed an issue with the error message “null” when exporting a process. 
  • Fixed inconsistencies in the SQL Server Database to display the “Tasks about to expire” filter data when querying the “Monitoring Tasks Under My Management” page.
  • When trying to remove a custom engine that is being used in a process activity, the correct situation is to not allow removal. However, the error shown on screen is generic while the log displays the business message. Fixed the issue to display the message on screen.
  • Resolved inconsistency with activities that had chained sub-processes and moved to the next activity automatically.
  • When two or more conditional activities were generated at the same time, it displayed error in the activity timer (deadlock), preventing them from being performed. This inconsistency has been fixed.
  • Fixed inconsistency with autoflow, which created two jobs when sending to a conditional activity.
  • The threshold to check the lost trigger of tasks in progress has been increased to five minutes (up from one minute) and the strategy to recover the lost trigger changed with rescheduling (which previously ran automatically). Thus preventing pending jobs from causing a loop in the system and making it difficult to perform scheduled jobs. However, jobs that were scheduled for a time when the server was down will be rescheduled.
  • Revision made so that form data in the first activity is only sent if the beforeStateEntry and afterStateEntry scripts are used.
  • Fixed query and return to correctly display the processes whose task is in a sub-process and has an attached form.
  • Fixed the inconsistency when trying to export a process using attachment security to the server.
  • When trying to start a sub-process via the fluig application, it created inconsistency when moving it. Fixed the issue to correct value conversion for the correct model.
  • When canceling a process and running analytics jar, the completion and opening dates were the same. Fixed a query issue to validate the process end date and not the history.
  • It did not display the modal asking the user whether or not to write the changes to the sub-processes screen if the process configuration screen were closed without saving or releasing the version. This situation has been fixed.
  • When registering a connection service with the database containing incorrect data while used in a dataset, the feedback with the error was not displayed to the user. Fixed issue to display feedback of errors generated when connecting to the database via the dataset.
  • On the service registration screen, there was no validation when no value was entered in the “Driver” field, generating an inconsistency not resolved when registering in the database. Fixed the issue to prevent the service from being created when the “Driver” field is not filled.
  • Fixed inconsistency with swimlane resizing in Chrome and Firefox. 
  • Fixed an issue in List tasks, where, when starting and moving a process request and then applying the solution, it created an inconsistency but still allowed it to be moved, removing the activity from the task central list.
  • When running the tests that direct call the API to create services, there was an inconsistency because a not null field was added but not filled in the DataServiceVO builder. Fixed the issue in the builder to resolve that.
  • When configuring an activity, the Mobile tab is no longer displaying the Approval home screen, which showed the ‘configure now’ or ‘go to the website’ options. Now it shows the Approval setup screen right after clicking the Mobile tab. To learn how to configure Approval, see our user documentation Configure activities and flows.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with digital signature in Internet Explorer – IE11 and earlier IE9 and IE10 versions.
  • When paging a filter sorted by form field in the Sql Server, there was a paging inconsistency and only the first page worked. Fixed the issue so that paging works properly in the Sql Server.
  • In the “filters for process and task charts” widget, when clicking the field to select processes, the user had the impression that they could only select from the suggested ones. Fixed an issue to require the user to search for the process, so that there are no doubts about the available processes.
  • Fixed inconsistency when trying to export more robust process flows.
  • Fixed an issue with NullPointer when transferring an activity containing association mechanism between collaborator’s groups and a role to which no users were assigned.
  • Tasks about to expire or delayed tasks notifications informed the wrong user in charge. Changed the parameter that fills the person in charge field so that the right user is assigned.
  • Achieved implementation to allow filtering requests in the task central, informing multiple requisitioners and/or persons in charge.
  • Fixed an issue to use the correct api and list all users when searching for pooled requests.
  • Changed the business rule to resolve the inconsistency when moving to a sub-process by moving to the first activity via mobile with a user who has a single destination mechanism.
  • An offline process was sent to the outbox, stored in the application cache. Changed the sequence of the images posted in parts to fix this inconsistency.
  • In iOS, when accessing a request via the notification received in the fluig application, the request is open in details mode, instead of the regular one, where it is possible to view the request form and decisions. Fixed business rule to resolve this inconsistency.
  • In iOS, when accessing a request via the notification received in the application, the request is open in details mode, instead of the regular one, where it is possible to view the request form and decisions. Fixed business rule to resolve this inconsistency.
  • An offline process was sent to the outbox, stored in the application cache. Changed the sequence of the images posted in parts to fix this inconsistency.
  • Fixed inconsistencies when moving a task with more than two digital certificate options. Fixed an issue to validate the correct task when moving with certificates.
  • Made the change in the way the parallel gateway flows are read, to allow the correct import of XPDL files.

  • In the task center, the date values in the American format yyyy-mm-dd were being formatted for the Brazilian dd-mm-yyyy format. Performed treatment to show the correct value. And in addition to the change, a condition has been created that ensures that the column has a unique date format, dd / MM / yyyy or yyyy-MM-dd. If both formats are found in the same field, nothing will be done and the values will be displayed in text format, making it impossible to sort by date in the column.

  • Error in creating services where there are no set methods in the WSDL response. Correction was made in the service generation to validate if the output parameters are correct. Also corrected the mode of advanced configuration of the dataset, so that the loading of objects is done correctly in Windows environments.

  • When you use the onDisplayTasks event by accessing the task center and attempting to export the requests, they appear duplicates. Done so that the requests are no longer duplicated.

  • Corrected the inconsistency that did not allow sending notifications when exporting the request query, when the initial installation was made from update 1.6.2.

  • Fixed inconsistency that occurred in the moveDocument API, in the registry of a service of type SOAP. Where the integer list was being converted to string. A change was made to the fix of the object to keep the type of the list

    In a snowflake-themed company, the user was not notified they received a notification until the page was refreshed. Fixed behavior so that the notifications are displayed in real time



  • Fixed display of reported posts on the reports center page in the Control Panel. Now, when reporting a post, it will be properly submitted for the administrators’ consideration.


  • Fixed WebEx Meeting component installation to correctly display the Meetings feature in the Collaboration tab of the Control Panel.
