Wiki Markup |
*\[CtreeServerMaster\]* |
Information to connect to CTREE SERVER MASTER:
ctUserId=ADMIN -> Row not required. The value "ADMIN" is Default.
ctUserPass=ADMIN -> Row not required. The value "ADMIN" is Default.
ctServerName=FAIRCOMS@localhost -> Name the main Ctree Server server (not embedded). The first part before the @ indicates the name of the server, defined in the row SERVER_NAME of the file ctsrvr.cfg do CtreeServer, while the second part, after the @, indicates the IP address of the server where this CtreeServer is.
Information to connect to CTREE BOUND SERVER:
memctUserId=ADMIN -> Row not required. The value "ADMIN" is Default.
memctUserPass=ADMIN -> Row not required. The value "ADMIN" is Default.
memctServerName=boundServer@localhost -> Name of the Ctree Bound Server server (embedded). The first part before the @ indicates the name of the server, defined in the row SERVER_NAME of the file ctsrvr.cfg do CtreeServer, which is in the folder Appserver, while the second part, after the @, indicates the IP address of the server where this Ctree Bound Server is.
Environments=P12 -> List of environments using the C-Tree Bound Server with files in memory. This key informs which environments of the server are checked, during the preparation of the environment of the process (Thread) of notification, to search files specified in the FILES configuration. You can only indicate for notification, environments using CTREE for the control of ISAM(SXS) tables.
Files=sx3990.dtc,sx5*.dtc,sx6??0.dtc,sx7*.dtc -> Files to be used in memory. You can specify one or more files, separated by comma, with absolute paths in disk, related to ROOTPATH of the environment, or only the name of the file found from STARTPATH of the environment. Use characters of the mask "*" and "?".
ShowStatus=1 -> Displays messages of Ctree notification information. It can be 0 or 1. Default is o.