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  • Assets ATFA012 BRA - Expense Provision and Expense Budget Technical Bulletin

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titleComprehending Classification Types

O - Expense Provision Budget:

In maintenance projects and other concession types, the project or contract defines an estimate of total expenses for executing the work.

In the case of roads, this estimate may vary depending on how the road is used, the provision being appropriated in accordance with depreciation, using the traffic curve method.

To record this estimated total, you may add a fixed asset form with the classification O - Expense Provision Budget (field N1_PATRIM).

You may add the asset classified as O - Expense Provision Budget with AVP Type (N1_TPAVP) = 2-Installment, selecting it in the combo AVP Type (N1_TPAVP). You can only add assets with this classification type with this AVP type.

Posting of Expense Provision Budget assets.

Even if you do not select the checkbox Post Children on the posting screen, all the children are posted, as well as the Expense Provision assets related to this asset. The same behavior applies to the checkbox Children Canc., on the postings
cancellation screen.

V - Expense Provision:

To record and control the expense provision of maintenance, etc., you may add a fixed asset form with the classification V - Expense Provision.

You may add this asset independently or generate it from the routine Allocation of Provision (ATFA460). Assets classified as V - Expense Provision do not incur depreciation.


These two classifications behave the same way as assets classified as Fixed Assets (N), Intangible (I) and Deferred (D), including validations, standard entries, balances and transaction types.

This new option is aligned with Accounting Pronouncement CPC – 01 available at http://cpc.org.br.

Classification Types (N1_PATRIM) V or O are not, by themselves, specifically different in asset reports from Fixed Assets.

If you wish to know about other classification types, refer to the centralizing documentation:
Utilization of field N1_PATRIM – SIGAATF.



1. In Fixed Assets (SIGAATF) access Updates/Registers/Assets (ATFA012).

2. Add a new asset and in field Classific. (N1_PATRIM), select the option O - Expense Provision Budget or V - Expense Provision.

3. Fill out the fields according to field help instructions.

4. Confirm the addition and check the new caption for the asset created


The operation of assets with these classifications is the same for assets classified as N - Fixed Assets, which had their description changed to N - Fixed Assets.

Further information on how to use these routines:

O - Expense Provision Budget:

Loan Cost (ATFA480 - SIGATF)

V - Expense Provision:

Verify AVP Provision AVP (ATFA460 - SIGAATF)

03. Technical Bulletin

View file
nameATF_Classificacao_de_Ativo_Provisao_Orcamento_M12.0CTR01_154.03 (2).pdf
pageAtivos ATFA012 BRA - Boletim Tecnico Provisão de Despesa e Orçamento de Despesa

