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  • Extension of asset with or without increasing its useful life -- 118812

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Extension of asset with or without increasing its useful life
Extension of asset with or without increasing its useful life

Technical Bulletin: Extension of asset with or without increasing its useful life




In Fixed Assets (SIGAATF), we have implemented the routine Extension (ATFA155), which allows extending the value of the asset, with or without impacting its useful life. Thus, the asset's table of Accounting Balances and Data is regularized with the creation of Asset Type 11 - Extension. In the Extension concept, you may change the value and extend the useful life for at least a year, entering it as an expense and fully amortizing it in the current fiscal period. In the Incorporation concept, assets are added to the existing structure with the same characteristics, but with a new sequential item code in the same base code. For this improvement, you must register an Asset (ATFA010) and Standard Entries (CTBA080). In the already existing form of type 821 – Asset Value Extension and 822 – Asset Value Extension Reversal. For extension by incorporation, the types are 801 – Addition of asset form type 01 and 805 – Reversal of asset form type 01. The features of the extension routine are only executed in the month after the last depreciation calculation date, which is set in parameter MV_ULTDEPR in the YYYYMMDD format. Parameter MV_CALCDEP defines the values for useful life extension, which can be: In Months = 0; In Years = 1.

ID of Ticket



Extension of asset with or without increasing its useful life


  • Microsiga 11




  • Argentina

Operating System

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Name + Source


Parameters Involved


Compatibility Tool Adjustments


Referential Integrity


Patch Application


Compatibility Tool 1


Implementation Procedures

Before running the compatibility tool UPDATF, you must:

a) Backup the database of the product to be executed by compatibility program (“\PROTHEUS11_DATA\DATA” directory) and “SXs” data dictionaries (“\PROTHEUS11_DATA_SYSTEM” directory).

b) The above directories are the default installation of Protheus and you should edit them to match the product installed at your company.

c) This routine must run in exclusive mode; that is, no user should be using the system.

d) If data dictionaries have customized indexes (created by the user), be sure to identify them by their nicknames prior to running the compatibility program. If the compatibility tool needs to create indexes, it will add them from the original order installed in Protheus, which can overwrite custom indexes if they are not identified by the nickname.

e) You must run the compatibility tool with Referential Integrity deactivated*.

f) Create menu related to feature.



The following procedure must be performed by a professional qualified as Data Base Administrator (DBA) or equivalent!


Improper activation of the Referential Integrity may drastically change the relationship between tables on the database. Therefore, before using it, thoughtfully observe the following procedure:


                         i.     In Configurator (SIGACFG), check whether the company uses Referential Integrity by selecting option Integrity/Verification (APCFG60A).

                        ii.     If there is no active Referential Integrity, all companies and branches registered for the system are listed on a new window and none of them will be selected. In this case, AND ONLY IN THIS CASE, you do not need any other procedure of integrity activation or deactivation; just complete the checking and apply the compatibility program as usual, following the instructions.

                       iii.     If Referential Integrity is active in all companies and branches, a message is displayed in window Relationship Checking Between Tables. Confirm the message to complete the checking, or;

                       iv.     If Referential Integrity is active in one or more companies, though not to its full extent, all companies and branches registered for the system are listed in a new window, in which only those with integrity are selected. Write down which companies or branches have the integrity activated and save this note for later reference on reactivation (you may also contact our Framework Help Desk for a file with this information).

                        v.      In the cases described in items “iii” or “iv”, AND ONLY IN THESE CASES, you must deactivate the integrity by selecting option Integrity/Deactivate (APCFG60D).

                       vi.     Upon deactivation of the Referential Integrity, run the compatibility tool in accordance with the instructions.

                      vii.     Once you have applied the compatibility program, use option Integrity/Activate (APCFG60) to reactivate the Referential Integrity, IF AND ONLY IF it has been deactivated. To do so, have the information of companies and/or branches that had integrity activation at hand, select them once again, and confirm the activation.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, contact the Framework Help Desk!

1. Em ByYou SmartClient, enter U_UPDATF in field Initial Program.

To correctly update the data dictionaries, make sure the date on the compatibility program is equal to or after 11/26/2011.

2. Click OK to continue.

3. The first step of the execution is file preparation. An explanatory message is displayed on screen.

4. Then, the window Update Completed is displayed with the log of all updates processed. This update log only shows the fields updated by the program. The compatibility program creates the fields that do not yet exist in the data dictionary.

5. Click Save to keep the log displayed.

6. Click OK to close processing.

Adjustments Description

1. Creation of Indexes in file SIX – Indexes:








Cod Base+Cod Item+Tipo Ativo+Seq Aquisic+Seq Reaval+Data Movim.+Tipo M



2. Creation of Triggers in file SX7 – Fields:

    • Table SN3 - Balances and Values:







Domain Field













IiF(FindFunction('AF010PERDP'),AF010PERDP(),M-> N3_TXDEPR1)

Domain Field








Procedures for Configuration

1. In Configurator (SIGACFG), access Environments/Register/Menu (CFGX013). Enter the new menu option of Financials (SIGAFIN) by following these instructions:





Routine Name





Fixed Asset


Protheus Feature


SN1, SN3, SN4

Utilization Procedures

1. In Fixed Assets (SIGAATF) access Updates/Transactions/Extension (ATFA155).

The system displays the browser with the registered assets.

2. Select the asset to extend.

3. Click Extension.

4. A screen is displayed to configure the extension.

The items in Asset Data, in the Original option are read-only.

5. The fields below define which actions to execute when confirming the extension:



Useful life: This determines that the only action taken by the system is to increase the useful life of item type 01. In this case, the fields Method and Type of Useful Life and the Asset Data grid: Incorporation are disabled for editing and their values ignored.

Value: This determines whether actions taken by the system are for Extension or Incorporation. For this case, you must enter, in Asset Data, option Incorporation, the value in currency 1 (Orig Val C1).

Both: Both actions are taken by the system.


Same asset (Type 11): Extension as an item of existing asset form. An item of type 11 – Extension is created.

New Asset (Incorporation): Adds a new asset form type 01 with the same base code and sequential item. It is associated through the fields N1_BASESUP and N1_ITEMSUP, indicating all assets that are in the same structure.

Same asset (Type 01): Value assigned to the method field automatically and used only when the Action field receives the value 1= Useful Life. In this case, the field will be disabled for editing.

Lifetime Type

Associated: The annual depreciation rate of item type 01 is used as a basis. With the depreciation calculation transactions, annual depreciation rates are generated, in which the useful life of the asset ends together with item type 01. This option calculates the depreciation rate of the new item 11 or the new capitalization based on the useful life of the original asset.

Proprietary: When you choose this option, you must enter, in Asset Data the option Incorporation, the annual depreciation rate must be in currency 1, and the calculation currency of the asset. This rate is used for the new item or incorporation.


This field is only considered if the Action field is filled out with the value of Useful life or Both. The value to be entered in this field must be at least one period (12 months or 1 year according to the MV_CALCDEP parameter) more than the value of the Current Useful Life (Display Only field).


Current useful life 60 months

Value to be entered in Useful life 72 months

Current useful life 3 Years

Value to be entered in Useful life 4 Years

Asset Data: Incorporation:

This field is only used when field Action is filled in with Value or Both. In this field, enter the accounting data, value and depreciation rate for the new item or incorporation. If the depreciation calendar defined for type 01 is concerning the whole fiscal year, depreciation transactions of previous periods for the new type 11 are only generated when the depreciation after extension is calculated. This rule is also valid when some new incorporation is generated.

6. Set the configuration desired.

7. Check and Confirm the data.

8. Actions are taken according to the settings, and accounting entries are made.

    • The accounting entry to add a new item of type 11 - Extension in the Asset Form is 821 - Asset Value Extension
    • The accounting entry for incorporation of type 01 - Extension in the Asset Form is 801 - Inclusion of Asset Form Type 01

9. The system returns to the browser with the registered assets.

To reverse an Extension:

  1. Select an asset.
  2. Click Reverse.
  3. The system reverses the extension and makes the accounting entries.

The extension can only be reversed in the month right after the last calculation of depreciation. Just a single extension is reversed at a time, always considering the last one.

The extension Reversal option is only available when the extension was generated in the same asset form.

Extensions with transactions cannot be reverted. To do this, the reversal of all the transactions of the extension in question must be carried out.

For incorporations that generates a new asset form, this operation can only be canceled by deleting the new form.

Technical Data


SN1 - Fixed Assets

SN3 - Balances and Values

SN4 - Fixed Asset Transactions

Related Features

ATFA010 – Fixed Assets Register.

ATFA155 – Extension.

Operating Systems

