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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This routine allows registration of currency rates. Maintenance of rates must be done everyday, including weekends, because all the calculations in other currencies depend on these rates, duly filled.

Protheus is configured in 5 currencies (1 default = Real and 4 alternative currencies). Whenever the system is loaded with a new processing date, the rates of the four alternative currencies are requested. Meanwhile, if currencies are not registered at this moment, the data can be entered later.

The system also enables that in addition to those 5 currencies previously configured, may be registered others, respecting the limit of 99 currencies, since using parameters described in Currencies configuration.

The currencies can also deal with readjustment indexes like UFIR, UFESP, IGP, etc. However, only one will be used as reference for indexations.

One practical method of updating the currency rates for a specific period is by making their Projections. The system is prepared to register currencies rates until the limit of 99 currencies.

From the 2nd to the 5th currency, the respective fields are M2_TXMOED2 to M2_TXMOED5; from the 6th to the 9th currency, fields are M2_TXMOED6 to M2_TXMOED9 and from the 10th to the 99th currency, fields are TXMOE10 to M2_TXMOE99.

Since it is a default currency, there is no projection for currency 1.

Currencies configuration - In the Configurator environment:

  • To configure from the 1st to the 5th currency, the parameters MV_MOEDA1 to MV_MOEDA5 are available. the currency must be entered in this last parameter.
  • To configure from the 6th to the 9th currency, the parameters MV_MOEDAP6 to MV_MOEDAP9 are available.
  • To configure from the 10th to the 99th currency, the parameters MV_MOEDP10 to MV_MOEDP99 are available.

Configuration of symbols must be performed through the parameters MV_SIMBX to the 9th currency, and through the parameter MV_SIMBXX from the 10th to the 99th currency.


To add currency rates:

1. In the Currencies maintenance window, select Add.

The system displays the addition screen.

2. Fill in the data according to the field's help instructions.

3. Check the information and confirm it.

See Also

To query the Currencies file, see: