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Speaking of process filters...

It allows the system administrator and users that have permission on this feature to handle and share filters. The administrator has permission to handle any system filter, created by any user. Ordinary users can change and delete any filter created by themselves or shared with them by group; however, they cannot change processes that were created, but not shared, by other users, even if they are public ones. Filters are displayed in the task central as filters created using the option “Filters” in the central. However, public shared filters will not display the option to delete or change the filter, therefore, in the case of using other parameters, save a new filter through the central, if the user does not have access to the Process Filters screen.

Process filters


01. In the main menu, click Processes.


03. View all existing filters.

Add filter


01. Click Add filter.

02. In the pop-up window, enter the required information in the fields.


In the records on the filter search screen, you can define them as public (by clicking the button directly on the record), so that any user can view the process in their task central as a shared process. There is also the possibility to share the filter with a user group. In this case, if the user has access to the Process Filters screen, they also can change the information in this process, but cannot perform this action directly from the central, where it is also displayed as a shared filter as well as the public ones.

Edit filter


01. Select the filter you want to edit and click Edit.

02. Change the necessary data.

03. Click Save.

Delete filter


01. Click Delete.

02. Click Yes to delete the filter.

Find filter


01. In the Search field, enter the filter that you want to find

02. Click the magnifying glass icon to search for the filter.

Filters created by me


01. Check the option Filters created by me only.

02. It will display all filters created by the current user.


This documentation is valid as of the 1.5.11 update. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.