For further information, refer to topic Protheus x RM Integration of Store Control and Point of Sales.
Filling out this register is mostly self-explanatory and is divided into tab. Pay attention to the following fields in each tab:
Note: The completion of the fields Tp.Entity and IRPJ Write-off answers law no. 10,833, from December 29, 2003, that defines the generator factor for the calculation and write-off of Income Tax for natural people or corporate entities by Public or Mixed , payment made and independent from the amount received, therefore, when added a direct receivable title in the Finances module or via integration with Income Tax does not generate Income Tax write-off for this client. Make total or partial write-off received and generated a title type IRF with status written-off with discount at the moment of the write-off. |
3. Check data and confirm the inclusion.
Important: The Contacts option allows accessing the register of contacts to associate with the current entity. |
To bind a NIF to a customer:
Procedures to Import Neoway files
The file import using Neoway are viewed on screen of this routine with respective CNAEs and contacts
Important: In case the contact to be manipulated is within the defined domain for the user, both for business structure rules, for configured access permissions, feature options/ quick actions are disabled. |
See Also