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Speaking of Substitute Users...

This substitute user feature enables, for a certain period, a (substitute) user to perform the tasks of another user (substituted). The registration of various substitutes for a given original user is permitted, even if it is for the same period. However, a user can only be a substitute of the same source user once. The activities are recorded in the name of the user being substituted, but the substitute is the one performing the action, so if you delete the substitute record, you will not lose any information or activity that was performed.

It is possible to define for which processes the user will be responsible to carry out the tasks of the substituted user. It is also possible to consult the process requests in which the user participated as Manager or Substitute.


Add substitute user


01. In the main menu, click Control Panel.02. In the General tab, , then check People container and click Substitute.

0302. Click Add.

0403. Enter the requested information.


User who will be replaced
User from whom the tasks will be transferred to another for a defined period. The registration is completed automatically after user is selected.

User to replace
User who will be responsible for the substitute user tasks during the defined period. The registration is completed automatically after user is selected.

Start Date
The start date of the substitution period.

End Date
Date that determines the end period during which substitution occurs.

Replace user in
Process for which the substitution will be valid. The available options are:

  • All processes: when selected, determines that the substitution will be valid for all processes and documents.
  • Selected processes: when selected, determines that the substitution will be valid only for specific processes. The definition of processes that the substitute will assume, is done through the “Configure” button, located next to the field.

0504. Click Configure.


This button will only be enabled when the selected option in the field “Replace the user” is “Selected Processes”.

0605. On the chart Available Processes, select the processes that should be considered in the substitution and drive the arrow to the right side to send it to the Selected Processes chart.


To remove a process from “Selected Processes”, just select it and drive the arrow to the left side to return it to “Available Processes” and then do not consider it in the replacement.

0706. Click Confirm.


This step is only necessary when making the selection of processes to be considered in the substitution.

0807. Click Save.



During the defined period, activities will be recorded in the name of the user being substituted, but the substitute will be the one performing the actions.

Edit Substitute User


01. Select the substitute user to be edited.



It is possible to change the dates that comprise the substitution period and the processes to be considered. The platfom does not allow you to modify the substituted user and the substitute user. If it is necessary to change that, a new substitute user record must be created. 

04. Click Save.

Delete Substitute User


01. Select the substitute user to be deleted.


titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.5 .10 update - Liquid. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.