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Speaking of configuring processes ...

This window allows you to define all the properties available for a process, relate a form to it, model its diagram setting activities and flows, export it, and also release it for use.

Configuring processes


01. After clicking Save and edit in the process inclusion window, click Properties, located on the left sidebar of the window.



Required information:

Description of the process. You can edit the description previously entered for the process.

Instructions to help users to understand the process. When preparing the instructions of an activity or process, it is common to need to search for information from other files or websites. Fluig’s concept is based on hyperlinks, which allow you to add access to both fluig Fluig documents and Internet addresses via external documents, avoiding replication of information and making it easier to browse. To do this, add the tag [WD:999999], replacing 999999 by the code of the document on fluigthe platform.

Labels assigned to the process for easy searching later. Tags act as keywords and allow the process to be tagged in a more personal and informal manner. You can find the process by browsing or searching. Enter with or without the character “#” to enable auto complete of the tags in the tags field. The autocomplete retrieves a drop-down list of the five most used tags based on the characters typed after the character "#". To add a tag via autocomplete, simply select it and press Enter. To add a new tag, simply enter it and press Space.

If it is checked, the process is active on the platform. In this case, the latest released version of the process will be available for use in Start requests. If not, the process is not displayed in this area.

If it is checked, any fluig user can query the requests of that process. If not, only the users that participated in the process or users with Administrator status can query the requests of that process.

Category to which to relate the process. That field is optional and is used to group processes into categories. Thus, in Start requests, the processes are grouped into folders and sub-folders that represent their categories and subcategories, making it easy for users to locate them. To add a subcategory, you only need to enter the category, a dot and the subcategory. For example: category HR and subcategory Benefits: RH.Benefits.

Add add-ons to requests
When it is enabled, you can include add-ons in the form of comments or attachments in requests of this process. When the feature is enabled, the corresponding button is identified with Yes. The add-ons in requests allow a user to add comments or attachments to an open request, whether they are responsible or not for the current task, in order to avoid communication by other means that will not be recorded in the history of the process.

Volume where to store files such as attachments, added to the requests of the process. Only Default and Workflow attachment volumes are displayed for selection.

Mechanism used for assigning a manager to the process. It only displays the types of assignment mechanism that can be used to define the process manager, who, in turn, will be defined based on the chosen mechanism. The process manager has the power of representing any of the users involved in the flow. When the process manager does some movement type in other user's name, a piece of information about this is added to the process movement history. This process manager can also receive activity follow-up notifications. Available options are:

  • Association Assignment: When selected, determines that process managers will be the users resulting from group, role and / or specific user junction;
  • Assignment by form field: When selected, I allowed to choose a field from the form that will set the term of the task that is changing the property;
  • Assignment by activity executor: when selected, determines that the activity will be sent to the executor of a certain previous activity of the process;

From now on, whenever you edit the properties of a process and change the Manager, the current cache will be cleared and a new update cache will be created in the Task Scheduler. As a result, the updates will be applied in blocks so that it does not overload the server. Thus, in a very short time the task center and request query will be updated.
The mechanisms that generate the cache are those of type Assign by association, Assign by form field, and Assign by activity executor.
For more understanding, visit the Liquid Update (1.6.5) release and watch the video explaining.

  • Group Assignment: When selected, it determines that process managers will be all users who belong to a group;
  • Paper Assignment: When selected, it determines that process managers will be all users who belong to a role;
  • User Assignment: When selected, determines that the process manager will be a specific user.

Working Hours
Working hours registered on the platform to which the process will be related. Working hours are used to calculate deadlines and delays in process activities. For example, if the working hours were configured as being from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and there is an activity that lasts for 1 hour that was created at 5:30 p.m. on a Tuesday, its conclusion deadline will be on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., due to the Working Hours. The selected working hours will be used for all process activities in question, except the activities that have their working hours configured.

Expiration deadline
Deadline configured by the user, indicating how long the request will be available. After it expires, a notification will be submitted informing that the deadline has been reached.

Notification deadline
Deadline indicating that a notification will be submitted at a time configured by the user, informing the request status until it expires.

The setting for the Expiration Time and Warning Time refers to the control of the SLA.

When setting up a process with expiration time for 5 hours, fill in the following form: 005: 00. In the Notice Deadline setting, if you wish to receive a notification 10 minutes before the request expires, you must fill in the following form: 000: 10. This will ensure that only within the time period defined in the Warning Deadline, notifications will be received. In other words, until 04:00 hours and 50 minutes the request will remain open, after which it will enter the "On Alert" period and receive the notifications (as configured in the Task Scheduler) until the time limit of 10 minutes has elapsed. Upon arrival in 5 hours, a single notification will be sent stating that the request has expired and will go into the "Expired" status.



Available options are:

Requester, people responsible for the activity and manager
When it is selected, the user who opened the request, the people responsible for the activities, and the process manager can interact in the process via add-ons.

All process participants and manager
When it is selected, all users who have once participated in the process can interact via add-ons. For example: user A, who is responsible for a particular task, has transferred it to user B. Even if user A is no longer responsible for any tasks in the process, they can still include add-ons, because they have once participated in that process.

All users (for public processes only)
When it is selected, any fluig user can interact in the process through add-ons. This option is only enabled if it is a public process.



For information on assignment mechanism settings, see Assignment mechanism settings.

08. Click the Form tab to relate an existing form posted in document browsing to the process.



Description of the process version.

Updates attachment
If it is checked, all the request attachments updated and versioned on fluig TOTVS Fluig are automatically updated to the latest version in the request. If not, the attachment version, as it was added to the request, remains the same.

Confirm password
When it is checked, all process activities performed by users will require confirmation of the user's password. The password confirmation feature is used for making sure that a particular user performed a process activity.



Control security
When it is selected, viewing and handling of the documents attached to the process will be controled (control settings are also defined in this tab).

Do not control security
When it is selected, the documents attached to the process are not controled.

Mechanism used for defining security criteria for the documents attached to the process. Available options are:

  • Assignment by association: when it is selected, security criteria for the documents attached to the process are assigned to users returned from the combination of group, role and/or specific user;
  • Assignment by form field: when it is selected, security criteria for the documents attached to the process are assigned to the user that is entered in a form field related to the process;
  • Assignment by activity performer: when it is selected, security criteria for the documents attached to the process are assigned to the performer of a particular process activity;
  • Assignment by group: when it is selected, security criteria for the documents attached to the process are assigned to the users that belong to a user group;
  • Assignment by collaborator group: when it is selected, the security criteria for the documents attached to the process are assigned to the users who belong to the same groups as the authenticated user or the user who initiated the request, as configured in the mechanism;
  • Assignment by role: when it is selected, security criteria for the documents attached to the process are assigned to the users that belong to a role;
  • Assignment by all users: when it is selected, security criteria for the documents attached to the process are assigned to all active fluig users;

Assignment by user: when it is selected, the security criteria for the documents attached to the process are assigned to a specific user.



For information on assignment mechanism settings, see Assignment mechanism settings

14. After configuring the selected assignment mechanism, define the security criteria for the documents attached to the process to be assigned to it.



Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can create and configure a form. For more information, see Configure form.

23. After creating and configuring the form to be related to the process, model the process flow using the items available on the left sidebar of the window.


The items available for modeling the process flow are as follows:

  • Start;
  • End;
  • Activity;
  • Automatic;
  • Document
  • Note;
  • Swimlane;
  • Subprocess;
  • Ad hoc subprocess;
  • Fork;
  • Join.

For detailed information on how to configure each of the items, see Configure activities and flows.

24. After setting the process properties, form and diagram, click Save – to just save the information defined for the process without releasing it for use – or Release version – to save the information and release that process version for use.


For more details on the release process option, see the Release process version path in Configure processes.


This documentation is valid as of the 1.5.11 update. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.
