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<div id="main-content" class="wiki-content group">
	<h1 id="CustomizaçãodeCabeçalhodeE-mails-Índice">Contents</h1>
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		<ul class='toc-indentation'>
			<li><span class='TOCOutline'>1</span> <a
			<li><span class='TOCOutline'>2</span> <a
					of e-mail headers</a></li>
	<h1 id="CustomizaçãodeCabeçalhodeE-mails-Objetivo">Objective</h1>
	<p>The objective of this guide is to provide instructions on the
		customization of header of e-mails that are sent by Fluig.</p>
		Customizing <em>E-mail</em> Headers
		For customers that already have Fluig installed and wish to customize
		the header of <em>e-mail</em> <em>templates</em>, the following steps
		should be taken:
		<li>Download the file "<a
			href="http://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/185741436/Templates%20de%20email.zip?version=1&modificationDate=1426097687000&api=v2">Templates de <em>E-mail</em>.zip
		<li>Decompress file:</li>
		<li>Replace the contents of the folder &lt;volume
			padrão>\templates\tplmail by the previously unzipped content;</li>
		<li>To change the header image of <em>e-mails</em>, replace the
			image "head_background.gif", found in: &lt;volume
			padrão>\custom\assets by another image with the same name and
	<div class="aui-message warning shadowed information-macro">
		<p class="title">Attention!</p>
		<span class="aui-icon icon-warning">Icon</span>
		<div class="message-content">
				Please note that customizations performed in <em>templates</em> will
				be lost.
				It is of the utmost importance that <em>backup</em> of &lt;volume
				padrão>\templates\tplmail is made, so that existing customizations
				my be recovered at a later date.