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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • No more task assignment to the wrong person in charge

    Through a user-friendly and simple interface, we changed the task and person-in-charge selection to ensure the proper execution of each activity as per the respective business process, considering that users interact with several processes every day, covering different flows, forms and persons in charge. This allows you to make informed decisions regarding where and to whom requests are submitted. The old excuse “Oh no, I sent it to the wrong person in charge” is no longer an issue.



  • More from space
    Forms are the core business element of your workflow processes. With that in mind, we redesigned the interface to make the best out of each pixel and provide even more available space in your forms, expanding the array of possibilities to enhance your business using all platform features available.



  • House in order
    We have regrouped all common features into only three floating tabs: Details, Add-ons and Attachments. You now have a larger desktop area with grouped information. Awesome, right?



  • All the information you need in one place
    The Details tab provides access to the current process flow, allowing users to check process instructions and activities through a user-friendly and efficient interface.
    Does your process have multiple activities? How about using the zoom tool? It’s just a mouse scroll away.

  • Who, when, where?
    When was this request created? Who added this attachment? The Add-ons tab allows users to query request histories and add relevant notes, formatting the text as needed to make sure your comment stands out (yes, you can now use a mini text editor to add notes.)

  • What about my evidence?
    Easy upload of ECM documents or files in requests. Just like in document browsing, you can now drag and drop files into processes as well, making uploading much easier. In addition, you can add multiple documents as attachments with a single click. This is not an April fools prank.


These new features are the result of all suggestions we received in our suggestion database.


When creating new workflow processes, did you ever end up using BPMN 1.0 notes because you forgot to change the pallet to BPMN 2.0? fluig studio 1.5 makes it much easier to create processes using BPMN 2.0 notes: when creating a new process, you start the modeling process with a few suggested activities and swimlanes, as well as the entire BPMN 2.0 note pallet available for use. Advanced processes created in studio can now be even more advanced and modern, using BPMN 2.0 notes.
It is important to remember that BPMN 2.0 processes can still only be edited via Studio, and not via web.IMAGEM


This process will be available in mobile. This one? No. Not this one. Definitely not this one. This is the one. Done.


When modeling a process, it is essential to consider the process use experience in mobile devices. In complex processes, however, mobile use is compromised due to the number of form fields to be completed, or even due to how the process was modeled. In order to keep mobile fluigers happy and leverage the workflow process to an even higher level, users can now select which processes will be available in mobile devices via fluig Mobile with just one click.IMAGEM



titleWhat about after I update to fluig 1.5? What happens to my processes?

After updating to fluig 1.5, all of your processes will be disabled in fluig mobile. Remember to access your process settings and enable the process you wish to use in mobile devices. Don’t worry; it’s just one click away.


  • Download manager
    Do you need to access or post large documents? Do you want to download an entire fluig folder? Do you need to pause a document download? With fluig connect, you can do all that and a lot more.


  • File monitoring
    Did you edit a document? Did you create a new document? fluig connect monitors the selected folder for synchronization, highlighting new or edited documents to be sent to fluig.


  • Easy and fast document versioning
    With fluig connect, you can make the traditional document check-out and check-in processes directly in fluig, without even having to open your browser. Download the document, perform the check-out process, make the required changes, perform the check-in and release the new version/review. All this with your browser closed.


  • Stay tuned to fluig
    Are you working in fluig connect and don’t want to miss out on what’s going on in fluig? Have no worry, fluig connect shows you real-time notifications to make sure you stay connected even if your browser is closed.


Learn more about how fluig connect will make your work even more productive:


The good old check-out and check-in features make sure you are the only person editing a certain document in fluig. Wouldn’t it be great if the check-out process were automatic when editing documents via webdav? Well, now it is: with the webdav fluid, document check-out is performed automatically as soon as you start editing via webdav:IMAGENS

After you are done editing, the document will be anxiously awaiting check-in to make your changes available to all other users with access to the document. Plus, you can now perform the document check-in directly in the folder where the document was posted, without having to browse all the way to the my documents folder:


When it comes to confidential subjects, the use of password-protected documents is very common. In fluig 1.5, you can now view such documents in the new internal viewer, which facilitates file sharing - you no longer have to send documents to other users via alternative means (e.g. email). Send documents via fluig and set security settings to only allow authorized users to view them. Say goodbye to all of those sleepless nights, wondering: “What if someone shared the document with others?”.IMAGEM

And of course: document contents can only be viewed after entering the correct password.


Remember those area document reports you used to spend hours to extract information from each folder, in order to send them to the internal audit? Those same reports are now generated in just a few minutes, since this fluig update allows you to select more than one folder to extract document information in the main list. This means no more long days during internal audits...


Even better document viewing


With fluig messaging, communications with your entire team are much simpler and more efficient, featuring personal or group messaging in any device. Create virtual meetings and video conferences through mobile devices (smartphones or tablets) or work stations.




In addition, you can provide real-time cooperation in multimedia content sent to fluig messaging, making written and spoken notes, as well as directly posting in fluig to store discussion histories. Of course, you can also share documents posted in fluig in personal or group conversations. Check it out:


fluig Messaging available via web and mobile devices - smartphones and tablets. Download now:


Did we mention there is a no-fee plan?


Based on a rule/reward system, gamification allows creating a corporate competition within the organization, establishing multiple goals, using contents and actions of the fluig platform to accumulate points, reach set goals and climb the ranking. Corporate games allow engaging professionals, boosting the productivity and quality of activities performed within the company’s areas. Based on a playful approach to competitiveness, professionals are encouraged to become more efficient in their tasks, allowing them to progress in their own activities.
fluig gamification features various widgets to monitor the progress of the corporate competition process through several aspects:

    • Ranking 

    • Level and experience

    • Achievements

    • Trophies

    • Achievement profile

    • Knowledge matrix


But wait, there’s more: the fluig public API now features approximately 100 new services (that’s right) for you to create even richer and more exclusive widgets for your corporate game.


Sharing content is much easier in fluig 1.5, right? And if you like adding comments when sharing contents, you will be the first to share this new feature among your colleagues: we have also enhanced the comment viewing experience in shared contents. You can now view comments directly through the notification center, without actually having to access the shared content. You would be crazy not to share this novelty with others.IMAGEM

Mentions in the blink of an eye


When creating a new post or commenting on other posts, you can mention co-workers and communities to add more information to posts. And we have made this process 30% faster, in order to make sure you don’t give up on mentioning others. Amazing, right?


Walking in clouds

Communities and contacts organized by interest

Manage your relationship clouds through our brand new administrative panel. Do you want to know to which clouds a certain community is associated? Go to Control panel > Collaboration > Communities to view the list of community clouds and associate communities to new clouds with just a few steps. It’s very easy.IMAGENS


Click here to learn more about fluig’s relationship clouds.


Remember when you had several unread notification and you were too busy to read them all, but you always ended up scrolling through the notification center and stopped to read them? Now you will only view notifications after clicking the notification center - scrolling the mouse cursor over no longer displays notifications.IMAGEM

This prevents you from viewing your notifications “by accident” and allows you to view them after you’ve finished your pending tasks. No need to thank us... this time.


Now you can know who won contests before the official announcement: follow the contest in real time by sorting posts according to the number of supports. In addition, if the HR area used the Social customization events, the contest will run even smoother.IMAGEM


Muted article

Only share your article when you want


You are no longer restricted to using fluig studio synchronized with the fluig update. Example: fluig 1.5.0 with fluig studio 1.5.0.
Starting from fluig studio 1.5.0, we have increased the number of compatible versions: you can use the latest fluig studio update with not so recent fluig updates. For example: you can develop apps using your fluig 1.5.0 and your studio 1.5.2. We support a range of up to four different updates. Using the last example, whenever fluig Studio 1.5.5 is released, you don’t have to update fluig in order to keep developing apps.



fluig Style guide certified 


titleWhy should I use the fluig style guide?

We recommend using the fluig style guide because all components are validated in browsers that support fluig; not to mention all of the performance tests to which fluig style guide components are submitted. By using third-party components, you are subject to browser incompatibility and performance issues.
Avoid headaches: Start using the fluig style guide today. Still don’t know it? Go ahead, click here.



Customized login

Make sure fluig follows your company’s visual identity


A great strategy to engage employees and make fluig go viral is to create a nickname for the platform, usually a term commonly used by your employees. For example, the nickname can be the name of the former portal or Intranet that was replaced by fluig, the name of the internal notification that was sent via email before the migration to fluig communities, etc. With fluig 1.5, you can customize the browser tab by changing the title and icon as desired:

Customizing the browser tab is easier than taking candy from a baby - check it out:


fluig has native apps for the main platforms available in the market - iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android and Windows Phone. Upon accessing fluig through mobile device browsers from any of these platforms, you receive a notification indicating that there is an app available in the respective app store.


This page is now customizable as well. Click here to view how to customize this page.


Yes, the fluig login page is the newest interface to adopt the fluig style guide. You now have a much more modern, user-friendly and even better looking fluig access page:
P.S.: What are you waiting for to use the fluig style guide?IMAGEM


Even more development: introducing fluig SDK


In this fluig update, we made a few minor adjustments to the fluig style guide across the entire platform. These are small adjustments that make the interface even lighter and smoother. Check out how amazing it looks:

IMAGEM. ATENÇÃO, esta imagem não está no RN em pt.

More time for you to update your platform


That’s right, you asked for it and you got it: fluig 1.5 supports the use of virtualized environments using Hyper-V as the virtualization server.IMAGEM

To avoid potential instability and ensure a smooth virtualization, check out our recommendations regarding the use of Hyper-V as a virtualization server


You would probably enjoy being able to send comments, suggestions or compliments while using fluig. However, you are often too busy to do that and end up forgetting to send your message later...



Now you can send suggestions, compliments, etc. through the fluig interface, while you are performing your daily tasks. Check it out:


Done! See how easy it is? Already sent a comment? What now? What now?


It is now much easier to view the list of fluig SOAP services. Go to http://<servidor>:<porta>/services. Much easier, right?


Who is accessing?

Keep track of the number of individuals logged


Are you about to launch a new internal campaign and you want to change the layout of the fluig homepage or a community to promote the campaign banner? Are you looking to add more slots in the supplier portal you developed in fluig? With fluig 1.5, you can change the layout of pages and community pages. And if you don’t like the new layout or wish to use the old layout, you can restore the page version with the previous layout.


Don’t worry, all of your widgets will be organized in the best possible way in your new layout. For real:IMAGEM



flexible layouts 

Customize your portal


fluig 1.5 allows you to create customized access addresses per page or community. This is perfect to facilitate access or migrate portals developed in other tools into fluig, without anyone ever noticing the difference. New addresses can simulate new pages - yourcompany.fluig.com/talents - or subdomains - talents.fluig.com.IMAGEM

titleWould you like to customize subdomains?

When using subdomains to customize access to pages and communities, make sure you make all required settings to the domain used (DNS) in order to use the desired subdomain. Contact the technical support or IT department of your organization to ensure a smooth process.


The fluig search widget can now be used anywhere. In communities, pages, pages with customized layouts... wherever you want.



Manage companies easily

What was the parameter again?


It is now much easier to use fluig integrated to fluig Identity. In the past, you had to follow a guide and edit settings files. Now, you only need two things: an Identity context and a mouse.


Access the fluig Company management area, edit the desired company, and enter the Identity URL and access key (token) in the Authentication tab. Done. Oh, and don’t forget to save the changes.


Individual account events


fluig Messaging is available for smartphones and tablets, including all (yes, we said all) features of the web version - individual chats, group chats, multimedia messages, meetings, video conferences, and real-time collaborations. Of course, all of these features integrated to the platform.IMAGEM


Check out the fluig messaging: VÍDEO

Download now:IMAGENS

Until you upgrade to fluig 1.5, have no worries: you can use the fluig Messaging demo mode. If you’ve read this far and still haven’t downloaded fluig Messaging, what are you waiting for?


Adding your account to fluig mobile is even easier now: all you need to know is the access address and your credentials. Leave the rest to us. We will use the company name defined by the administrator. IMAGEM


titleI don’t know the access address. What now?

If you don’t know the access address or if you are having trouble adding your account, contact your organization’s technical support or IT department.


Are you looking for a better way to view 3D files - projects, plans, etc. - or a less common file format? With fluig mobile 1.5, you can open fluig documents in other apps on your mobile device.


Keep in mind that the option to open in other applications - “Open with” - is only available for documents that allow download.


View protected documents in mobile
Of course we would never let you down: this fluig update allows you to view protected documents both on the web and in mobile.IMAGENS

Check it out:


Window reading

Start celebrating: you can now access Document browsing through your Windows Phone
And there’s nothing better than a dialog to showcase this new feature:


Check out how smooth it is to access Document browsing through the world of windows:Este acima, foi removido no pt?


We fixed some bugs from fluig 1.4.13 and asked for a moment of silence instead of launching fluig 1.4.14 and fluig 1.5 separately, we put everything together in a single update. 
