Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


In order to ensure that the Attachment Security control process is simple, we are providing the new assignment mechanism By All Users. This mechanism allows you to define general permissions to publish, edit and remove attachments in requests, which will be applied to all platform users in a much more practical way.

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titleStay tuned

The new assignment mechanism By All Users is only available for Attachment Security setting.



The add-on security setting is applied for each process, allowing the person responsible for the process to choose the best option for each demand by enabling the “Allow request add-ons?” option under the General tab of the process Properties. The following options are available:

  • Requester, persons responsible for the activity, and manager;
  • All process participants and manager;
  • All users (only for public processes).

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Discover the most popular tags with the new Tags Cloud widget


Deck of Cards
idTag cloud


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By default, the new communities created from this update will already include the new widget. 



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The Tags Cloud can also be included in the fluig pages, such as Home.

labelStyle Guide


In addition to being included as a standard widget, the Tags Cloud was also made available as a new component of fluig Style Guide, allowing it to be used in the development of forms and widgets and in customizing formats, size and colors.


       Through the new YouTube API used by fluig, all approved browsers will be able to play videos in HTML5 directly from the timeline, that is, no more Flash videos!


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In order to include YouTube content, just type the video URL in the share field. Fluig will detect it and include the video player automatically when the post is published.


Deck of Cards


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When accessing a course subject, the basic information about the course subject as well as all classes and template classes are displayed on the same page.



The classes display all registered topics and topic items, in addition to basic information such as status, number of available seats and validity.


When accessing a track, all its training, testing and reaction evaluations are now displayed in a single screen, providing the student with a simpler and clearer browsing experience. The same goes for the training sessions in progress, which now centralize the contents and tests that comprise them.



Activate specific fluig Mobile features by using forms and widgets

With the new fluig:// protocol you can add links to certain areas of fluig Mobile, such as documents, user profiles and communities, within forms, widgets and even external pages. The great advantage of this feature is the ability of redirecting these links to fluig’s native app rather than carrying them through the mobile device browser.

Furthermore, in order to make your forms even more interactive, you can now include protocols such as phone://and mailto:// in items such as forms, in order to invoke the phone and e-mail apps of the device operating system and use the geolocation feature to obtain the user coordinates and activate Waze.

titleLearn more

Learn how to implement this new feature in the documentation about the fluig:// Protocol and be sure to check the examples available on our Git directory.

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Style Guide

Your guide, much more stylish

Style Guide

Your guide, much more stylish

The fluig Style Guide documentation portal now has a new look, more The fluig Style Guide documentation portal now has a new look, more modern, cleaner and easier to browse, allowing a smoother and enjoyable use experience for platform developers.



If you use the taskObservation field for any reason – such as integrations – in platform developments in updates prior to fluig 1.5, you must take a look at this documentation.


  • Learn how to identify whether or not a checkbox field on the form is checked, using this
  • getCardValue


  • method example


This session lists some of the bugs that were fixed in this update to ensure everything runs smoothly on your platform.
