Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


In communities, in addition to timeline posts, users can post documents, pictures, images, videos, forms, and articles. 

You can also edit your own posts when necessary, as there is no limit to edit posts. Edited posts will always be identified by an icon that represents the action taken, and positioning the cursor over the icon will display the date the post was edited for the last time.
In communities, in addition to timeline posts, users can post documents, pictures, images, videos, forms, and articles. Although you are able to edit your own posts whenever you need, you can only edit the text and cannot add images, videos, articles, etc. By default, this feature will available and enabled. If a community’s administrator chooses not to allow editing of posts and comments in their community, this feature can be disabled in the permissions Tab.


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The post is shared only in the community; that is, all users that have access to the community’s contents may view the post.

Edit posts in communities 

01. Find the community with the post to be edited.

02. Find the post to be edited.

03. Edit the post and click Post.


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When a post is edited, a notification is sent to all related users informing that the post has been edited.

Post documents in communities


01. In the community in which the document will be published, click on the Documents tab.
