Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


It allows the system administrator and users that have permission on this feature to handle and share filters. The administrator has permission to handle any system filter, created by any user. Ordinary users can change and delete any filter created by themselves or shared with them by group; however, they cannot change processes that were created, but not shared, by other users, even if they are public ones. Filters are displayed in the task central as filters created using the option “Filters” in the central. However, public shared filters will not display the option to delete or change the filter, therefore, in the case of using other parameters, save a new filter through the central, if the user does not have access to the Process Filters screen.


Basic path


01. In the main menu, click Processes.

02. Click Process Filter.

03. View all existing filters.


Alternative paths


Add filter


01. Click Add filter.

02. In the pop-up window, enter the required information in the fields.

03. In the Description field, define a title for the filter.

04. In the Request field, enter the required information.

  • From: Number of the initial request from the group of searched requests
  • To: Number of the final request from the group of searched requests
  • Start Date: Start date period of the request, if the “Period” option is selected, date fields will be enabled for entry.
  • Deadline: Deadline date period of the request, if the “Period” option is selected, date fields will be enabled for entry.
  • Requester: User who started the request, it does not apply to tabs whose Requester is predefined (such as My Requests).
  • Person in charge: User who is in charge of the activity, it does not apply to tabs whose Person in Charge is predefined (such as Due tasks).
  • Identifier: Form record identifier assigned to the process.

05. In the By Process field, enter the process information.

  • Process: Process to be filtered (so that the search fields can be specified).
titleMás informacion

The Select visible columns button is displayed after you select a process, allowing you to define the columns to be displayed in the central’s result after the filter process is complete. You can select between “Request Data” and “Form Data”, if the form has descriptor fields. In addition, on the Select Visible Columns screen, you can select one of the fields that were selected in the “Order by” option, enabling ordering activities using that filter in the initial search of the filter (limited to tabs that are not related to the Manager).

Possible Request data options are:

  • Request: Request number.
  • Description: Activity description.
  • Requester: User making the request.
  • Location: Name of the State where the activity is.
  • Person in charge: User responsible for the current activity.
  • Identifier: Form record identifier assigned to the process.
  • Deadline: Date by which the activity has to be completed.
  • Requester Registration: Requester user registration.
  • Process Code: Process identifier.
  • Process Version: Version of the process to which the request is associated.
  • Movement Number: Current movement of the request.
  • Activity Code: Numeric code of the current activity.
  • Opening: Opening date of the request.
  • Location: Description of the activity where the process is.

06. Click Save.



Edit filter


01. Select the filter you want to edit and click Edit.

02. Change the necessary data.

03. Click Save.


Delete filter


01. Click Delete.

02. Click Yes to delete the filter.


Find filter


01. In the Search field, enter the filter that you want to find

02. Click the magnifying glass icon to search for the filter.


Filters created by me


01. Check the option Filters created by me only.

02. It will display all filters created by the current user.