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Personnel Recruitment and Selection


belongs in the Human Resources Systems and purports to recruit and select personnel for the varied job positions in an organization. The right person, in the right place, fosters an environment in which employees contribute with their creativity, talent and motivation to reach company goals.

Through the Personnel Recruitment and Selection module, you can manage all stages of the recruitment and selection process. It encompasses personnel planning, job analysis, job openings, all the way up to the admission process, which includes résumé evaluation, internal selection, test preparation, test application and hiring.

Some Personnel Recruitment and Selection control highlights:

Definition of Positions

From the job analysis data gathered, you can elaborate the profile of the professional to be hired for a given position in the company hierarchy. To draw the profile of a professional, you must know the essence of the work at hand, with its responsibilities and attributes. All these data are available in Position Register.

Openings Control

The Personnel Recruitment and Selection module controls the openings registered and filled, through an automatic process. In the Openings Register, the person in charge of the requesting area is entered, along with the number of job openings, the number of openings filled, the closing date and the costs incurred by the company.

Evaluation Factors General and Group

The evaluation factors enable you to qualify company areas and positions. The system enables the registration, as General Evaluation Factors, of the following: academic background, experience, physical effort, risks and many other duly graded factors. So, when analyzing a résumé, you may determine whether an applicant has the factors required by the company.

The Group Evaluation Factors separately measure the differences among positions, by defining the requirements and qualifications needed for each, based on the General Elements registered.


Through the Personnel Recruitment and Selection module, you can prepare and apply admission tests to select applicants.

You can create essay or multiple choice tests, encompassing general or specific knowledge, as needed by each organization.

You can also define, through a Models Register, common features of random tests applied in the selection processes of certain areas.

Definition of the Selection Process

The Selection Process is engaged after the Recruitment process, and comprises all the stages applicants or employees undergo. In the Recruitment & Selection environment, the Selection Process allows you to set up calendars with the stages undergone by applicants in the company.

In the evaluation process, the Recruitment environment allows you to create test questions for later tests, use the answers to evaluate top scoring applicants/employees and, if needed, move on to other selection processes such as interviews, group dynamics, etc.

Based on the aforementioned process evaluations, you can arrive at the main selection process goal: The Admission.


Based on the entire Recruitment and Selection process, you can evaluate which applicant has the skills required to fill the available opening, completing the Admission process.

When you hire an applicant, his/her data are transferred to the Employee Register, in the Personnel Management module.

Applicants Portal

The applicants portal is a formidable applicant recruiting tool. As the applicant feeds the database by personally adding his/her résumé, Human Resources is spared of such work, thus saving time in the selection process.


Integration between Organizational Architecture and Recruitment and Selection

Integration makes possible the position on Organizational Architecture toresult on a Recruitment and Selection opening with the exact same characteristics as the position. It is important to consider the information registered on Admission.