Páginas filhas
  • Acquisition by Transfer (ATFA251 - SIGAATF)

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



The setting of parameter MV_TIPDEPR, concerns the depreciation method. You can perform three calculations involving the asset acquisition date:

(0) Proportional to the date; (1) Full month or (2) Month subsequent to the date of acquisition.

If the content of parameter MV_TIPDEPR is (2) Month subsequent to the acquisition date, the addition of new assets generated by this routine may be performed in the same month of the last depreciation calculation.

The amounts of depreciation existing in each item to be posted are added together and prorated to the final asset(s), in proportion to their original value.

The advances transferred/posted can generate one or more final assets.

This process converts the asset from Type 13 - Managerial Advance to Type 10 - Managerial when generating the new finalized asset.


To perform an acquisition by transfer:
