Páginas filhas
  • Expenses (JURA049 - SIGAPFS)

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


This routine records the expenses incurred by the firm for the progress of cases, with an option for reimbursement of this expense by the client or not, according to the invoicing contract and the configurations of the expense itself.

Besides Add, View, Edit, or Delete, there are other options:

Group: Allows you to group expenses that were divided by reviewing the proforma invoice.

Batch operations: Allows you to transfer to WO or to change all selected expenses at once.


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Entering Expenses integrates with SIGAGAV System through customized routine.


The system does not allow to Add or Edit participant in a transaction, in case he is inactive or dismissed, it shows a message saying it is not possible to make the option.



Adding expenses:

1.In Expenses, click Add.

2.Fill out the fields according to fieldhelp instructions.

3.Observe the data:

Case Code: Case number associated with the expense.

Requester acronym: Professional who performed the expense.

Date: Date of the expense.

Value: Total expense value in the currency reported.

Expense type code: Code of expense type.

Charge?: Indicates whether the expense is chargeable.

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Standard content 1-Yes, but the user may interact editing it.

By entering Yes the system checks registers of Expense Type, Non-chargeable Expenses of the Contract and the Customer and if in any of these registers, the expense type is non-chargeable, no billing will be executed.

Note (do not charge): Enables indicating the reason for the expense not to be charged.

User (do not charge): User who set the expense as do not charge.

Amount: Defines the expense amount.

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When selecting the Type of expense, the description is filled out with the expense previously registered, as the language of the case.

The fields Requester acronym and Type of expenditure show only the active records.

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Even if the field Active is entered Yes, the system checks the condition of the participant. If dismissed, show the message This register is blocked for usage and edition is not allowed. And also the message Transaction date is later to dismissal date of the reviewed participant.

4.Check the data and confirm.

5.The expenses entered and edited before the synchronization do not create a new line, uses a pending line, changing the field of column Time Stamp.


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TheInvoicing grid displays thestatus of the entry for invoicing, where:

Blank: Not linked to proforma invoice or invoice.

Conference: Linked to proforma invoice mentioned in field Profor. Code

Invoiced: Linked to invoice mentioned in field Invoice Code.

WO: Linked to WO mentioned in field WO Code.

Whicheverstatus field Canceled? = Not.



 See Also
