Páginas filhas
  • Automatic Generation of POs (MATA650 - SIGACOM)

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Automatic Generation of POs

In addition to manual addition of the Production Order, this routine also allows automatic generation of POs based on Sales Orders. This feature is useful to companies that work with custom production.

The system verifies the orders not released yet and generates Production Orders only for the balance in shortage. It is possible to evaluate the customer's credit.

When generating POs from Sales Orders, it is possible, through parameterization,  generate Production Order, Purchase Request or neither for the products that do not have a structure but are present in the Sales Order.

To classify the status of a Sales Order with the Production Order generated, the table E2-Status of Production Order is considered. This way, you can analyze the reasons why the system generated or did not generate a PO.

The processing done is saved in the field PO Generation Flag (C6_PO)  of the Sales Order Items File (SC6) with the following classification:


  • 01


  • PO generated normally


  • 02


  • Blocked by credit and released later for generation of PO


  • 03


  • Blocked with PO generated earlier


  • 04


  • Block by Credit. In this case, the PO is not generated


  • 05


  • Block of Stock. The PO was not generated because the quantity in stock is sufficient to meet the demand.


  • 06


  • Released with PO not generated. Released after block of credit and PO not generated by stock.


  • 07


  • Credit release done. Pending/blocked stock.


  • 08


  • Stock release done.

By Sales Order - Automatic Sale

Production Orders and Purchase Requests are generated automatically when a Sales Order is made and there is no stock of the product.

After release of the Sales Order, the system calculates the Production Orders and Purchase Requests based on the requirement (quantity) verified in the product's economic lot entered in the Products File.

When generated from a Sales Order, the Production Order assumes the same order and item number, which enables it to be tracked.


Sales Order = 13456

Item = 01

Production Order = 1345601 + sequence of order


Generation of POs from Sales Orders is usually used by those who work with custom production. If you use production from Sales Orders and also generate POs Manually, you must number the Manual POs different from those generated from Sales to prevent conflict in generating them.

PO Generation Priority

To fulfill the need for generating production orders prioritizing the material delivery date, a new parameter is available for generating production orders by sales order, which allows evaluating the orders and prioritizing production order generation by SO Number or by Delivery Date.


Help_buttonImage AddedTip:

The parameter MV_LOCPROC allows defining if balance of intermediate production orders, which are automatically generated by the system for products with indirect appropriation, must be destined to location of process (defined through parameter MV_LOCPROC) or to default location (defined through field Default Location, in Products file).

If this parameter is not created/enabled, the balance of the PO is destined to the location of process.



Generating production orders through a sales order:


  1. In Production Orders, click Sales.
  2. The system displays a screen for configuring the parameters of this option.



Fill them according to the field help instructions


paying special attention to the following parameter:


. Rel. Credit Block

Through this parameter, it is possible to evaluate the credit limit of each customer and order by order.


. Evualete SO Prioritinzing? 

Enter if you want the system to generate production orders prioritizing the material delivery date (Delivery Date), or by Sales Order number (SO Number).


If the parameter Evaluate Sales Order? is set to Grouped, and you select the delivery date to be prioritized by the system, the PO generated jointly considers always the smallest delivery date.



When you confirm the parameters, the system displays the sales order as defined by the configuration parameters.



 Check the desired sales order.



 Click Generate PO for the system to generate the PO based on the selected sales order.



 While leaving the routine, the system asks if the PO and PR created can be generated. Answer Yes or No.


Help_buttonImage AddedImportant:


  • Each production order will have the same order number to facilitate tracking; hence no grouping is made.

The item number can differ from the order number, because if you use the grid, each SO item can correspond to more than one product in the PO.

If you use production from Sales Orders and also generate POs manually, you must number the Manual POs different from those generated from sales to prevent conflict in generating them.


  • If the user opts to generate Purchase Requests and the product pertains to a Partnership Agreement, when the respective field is S (Yes), a Delivery Authorization will be generated instead of a Request. The system considers the default supplier defined in the Products File.


See Also

Files involved in the process:


