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Access your learning tasks with a single click!

In order to streamline and make your day-to-day activities even more fluid, we have moved the learning tasks – which were previously on the platform’s Task Central — to the learning features.

Now, with just a click, you can view all your pending issues: just place the mouse on Learning and click Learning tasks. Much faster to find them, isn’t it?

titleDon’t worry!

Your pending tasks will be automatically transferred to the new location as you apply the 1.6.2 update to your platform.


Centralized learning management

What do you think of having all management features in one place? Much quicker and more practical, right? Because that’s exactly what we did: we combined all learning management features in a single location. They were moved from the Learning tab – from the platform’s Control Panel – to: LearningManagement. All this in order to optimize and streamline your day-to-day activities. Check it out!

titlePlease note!

If you use the Elucidat  feature, you will need to update your artifact. To do so, simply follow the instructions below:

  1. After applying the 1.6.2 update to your platform, disable both Elucidat components (codes: elucidatconfiguration and elucidat) in Component center, located in the WCM tab in the Control Panel;
  2. Download the artifact of the updated components on fluig Store;
  3. Apply the downloaded artifact in Component Center;
  4. Enable both Elucidat components (codes: elucidatconfiguration and elucidat).

Voilà! Your Elucidat feature is updated and ready for use again.


Course subjects and classes catalog with redesigned registrations!

Following our plan to make LMS increasingly attractive, intuitive and


easy to use, we want to introduce the redesigned registrations of the course subjects and classes catalog.


They have undergone usability and visual changes


for easy, fast and enjoyable use by the person responsible for registering and managing folders, subjects, classes, topics, topic items and other features related to the Subjects catalog. Check it out!


To learn more about subject and class registrations, go to Folder, Subject, Class, Template class, Topic and the following types of topic items: URL, Training/track, Content, Evaluation, Extracurricular activity and Separate.


Define a theme for your tracks and training sessionscourses

Now when adding a track or a training


course you can assign a theme to them, that is, an area of knowledge or a subject to which they are related, for the sake of organization and classification of such items. In future updates, this field will be used, for example, to make it easy to search for tracks and training courses which address similar issues or for students to categorize the training courses in which they are registered.


Create standardized themes names for easy search and organization in the future. Instead of creating themes such as “Human Resources” and “RH”, use only one of these terms.

Deck of Cards



  • Optimized the query of evaluations pending grading to also consider the field that is only filled out when the evaluation is effectively finished.
  • Fixed issues in order to display sets of alternatives for selection when creating a question in the topics and questions catalog.


  • Fixed an issue so that, when saving a form to create a process in fluig, the folders that have writing permission are correctly listed for the user.
