Páginas filhas
  • Management View - Classic (CTBA161 - SIGACTB)

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Attention! Managerial Views can be used only in queries and reports because the accounting entries must be compulsorily generated from the chart of accounts.



In order to use the management view register with variable balance type, you must register detailed entities of management views with the content "*" (asterisk) in the column Balance Type of detail lines of such entities.

A well structured chart of accounts can be flexible enough for information to be retrieved in different ways. However, this information can seldom be summarized and displayed in a mode different from that in which it was registered in the chart of accounts.

The Managerial View gives the chart of accounts the flexibility it lacks and allows the same information to be displayed in different ways. Each Managerial View corresponds to a different analysis of data available in Accounting.

The Managerial View is not limited to the chart of accounts; all its flexibility is also valid for the chart of cost centers , accounting item and value class.

Through the Managerial View you can:

  • Create financial statements: Balance Sheet, Income Statement (DRE), Statement of Sources and Usage of Funds (DOAR), Statement of Shareholders' Equity (DMPL), etc.
  • Create statements to be sent abroad, observing the accounting principles used in other countries: US GAAP, IAS, etc.


Image RemovedTip:

Attention! Managerial Views can be used only in queries and reports because the accounting entries must be compulsorily generated from the chart of accounts.


Accessing the parameters using F12 key



To bind a Management Entity to a Superior Entity, click Search or F3 to enable entities registration. Select an entity and confirm it.

Lower Screen ("Items"):

    • Identif.
    • Type of Balance

4. Check and confirm the data and confirm.


See Also