Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Deck of Cards
idTracks and training settings
labelTracks and training settings

labelRegistration request allowed

labelRegistration request not allowed



Updated indexing engine brings benefits for your platform

We’ve got great news for you! The indexing engine has been updated and now features improved security and performance, and optimized resources. Revisions were also made to improve the rate, achieving a reduction of over 50% in used disk space compared to previous versions. There’s more, high availability configuration has also evolved and now it allows registration of more addresses, providing redundancy in case of failure in one of the services.

Stay tuned because at first startup, after updating fluig Waterdrop, a full indexing will automatically run so you can enjoy all these improvements. And the cool thing about it is that this procedure will be performed in the background, allowing the use of other platform features.


No more support for the MySQL 5.5 database with fluig
