Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Cash Flow by Class is always made with the system base date.

You can organize the query in Detailed and Summarized when filling out parameter Display Summarized Class as Yes and configure parameter MV_NATSINT as content 1.

  • You can define the query in Detailed or Summarized.
  • Through option Comparative, you can view the types of balance in Quoted x Estimated, Quoted x Performed and Estimated x Performed.
  • You can enter an Explanation Note when clicking Related Features in option Save or Report.

If balance by class requires recalculation, use the routine Balance Recalculation by Class.

  • Flow by Class can be used to:
  • Plan and control cash inflows and outflows in a certain period;
  • Help you make decisions in advance concerning lack of money or surplus in the company;
  • Check whether the company is in financial squeeze or slack in the evaluated period;
  • Check whether the financial resources are enough to proceed with the business in a certain period or whether the working capital must be obtained;
  • Plan better policies of payment and collection terms;
  • Evaluate the payment capacity before making commitments;
  • Know (strategic planning) the large numbers of the business and its real importance in the period considered;
  • Evaluate whether the sales payment is enough to pays the expenses made and estimated in the period considered;
  • Evaluate the best moment for stock replenishment in relation to payment terms and available cash;
  • Evaluate the most favorable moment for sales in order to enrich the business cash.
  • Get the financial managerial view based on the Class register.


  1. In Flow by class, select Compare.
  2. Enter the Cash Flows to be compared and confirm them.


See Also

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