Páginas filhas
  • Generating DECEST (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

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1. In Normative Instructions, click Parameters.

2. The routine description screen is displayed.

3. Set the parameters. Pay attention to:

Start Date

Enter initial date.

End Date

Enter final date.

Normative Instruction

Enter the configuration file name, without the ".INI" extension. For this magnetic medium, enter: DECEST.

Target File

Enter the destination file name where the information is generated. Example: DECEST.TXT


Enter the directory's name where the text file created is saved. 

4. Upon setting the routine's general parameters, complete the DECEST specific data.

Statement version:

Enter the tax replacement inventory statement version.

Example 01:


Select the category of the company to make the tax replacement product inventory statement:

a) 2 - General

b) 6 - Simples Nacional


Select the Yes option in case the statement is a corrector.

E-mail of responsible party:

Enter the e-mail of whoever is responsible for the business, or it's legal representative / accountant.

Tax replacement product inventory data:

Enter the tax replacement product inventory balance data. These data are indispensable for the correct creation of the magnetic file, for they are needed for locating the product balances in the SFK table registry, and for the magnetic file creation's needed calculations.

Initial Product Group:

Enter the initial product group to be considered in the magnetic file. Be mindful that it must be a valid code.

Final Product Group:

Enter the final product group to be considered in the magnetic file. Be mindful that it must be a valid code.

Check parameters and confirm them.

5. To correctly create the magnetic file, the tax replacement product inventories must be checked through the following registry, in the Tax Records module:

6. Updates -> Registers -> Tax Replacement Balance

7. The products/goods being switched to the tax replacement system must also be checked:




Auto Parts


Pet Foods





8. The fields listed below must be correctly filled out to generate the magnetic file in the records 01 (Product with MVA) and 02 (Product with list price):

  • B1_GRUPO: (Group) - It is a required field for correct validation in the SEFAZ available program.
  • B1_PICMENT: (Percentage of ICMS Solidário in Inflow - MVA) - Only products with tax replacement are displayed, that is, products with the field ICMS Solidário in Inflow filled out and used for base calculation.

Image AddedImportant:

This field is only checked if the product table is exclusive. In case it is shared, the F7_MARGEM (profit margin) field is checked.

  • B1_PICM: (ICMS rate) - Used for ICMS value calculation, because the rate is applied to the calculus base. In case this field is blank, the content used is of the MV_ICMPAD parameter, which contains the ICMS rate.

Image AddedImportant:

This field is only checked first if the product table is exclusive. In case it is shared, the F7_ALIQDST (destination rate) is checked first, and if the content is blank, the B1_PICM field is checked and, if it is also blank, the MV_ICMPAD parameter is checked last.

  • B1_UPRC: (value of last purchase) - used to calculate the total value at the purchasing price.
  • B1_PRV1: (selling price) - used to calculate the calculus base.
  • FK_QTDE: (quantity in product inventory): must be completed with a valid value, that is, greater than zero, because validation in the available SEFAZ program does not accept zeroed amounts, therefore, in case this field is completed with a zero, the record is not considered in the magnetic file's creation.

9. If the SB1 (product registry) table is shared, the tax group fields must be mandatorily completed, in the tax exceptions registry as well as in the product registry, for correctly creating the magnetic file. And also in this case, the profit margin field is only checked in the tax exception table. Hence, if any product has the margin of ICMS Solidário filled out in product register (SB1 table), the information is not considered, since the only margin considered in this case is the one filled out in tax exception.

10. If the SB1 (product registry) table is exclusive, no SF7 (tax exceptions) table data are checked, therefore, all the data used for creating the magnetic file with belong to the SB1 (product registry) table, and to the SFK (tax replacement inventory balances) table.