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In this routine, you can generate the file to import the Geis - Electronic Management of Taxes on Services - Municipality of Cajamar - SP. With this, it is not necessary new typing of information in the GEIS program.

To whom it is applicable

To ISSQN taxpayers in the municipality of Cajamar - SP and to taxpayers from other municipalities who rendered services in Cajamar.


Fill out the monthly statement of services rendered, calculation of the amounts due and emission of the tax payment form.

Delivery Term



Municipal - Cajamar - São Paulo

Application provided by tax authorities

There is not one. Files remittance must be performed via internet, through the City Hall website.

Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®

There is not one.

Where to find the application provided by tax authorities


Type of Generated Record

A single record is generated, in which the service invoices issued in the period are presented. Only invoices with Service Code registered will be processed, since this information must be presented in the magnetic media.


  • If the customer is a natural person, the CPF is presented, preceded by 000.
  • If it is from abroad, this field is presented with content 999999999999. According to instruction of the own layout,the authenticator indicates the information is not valid, but allows the import of values.
  • In other cases, the CNPJ saved will be presented.

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