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Decree CAT 102
from 09/11/2007
Electronic Record of Invoice Model 1 or 1 - A

This routine allows generation of a pre-formatted file of CAT 02 - Invoice Model 1 or 1 - A, with data on transactions of invoices issued and received.


To whom it is applicable


Taxpayers issuing invoice models 1 or 1-A.




To register electronically the invoices in Secretariat of Finance, to generate the Tax Document Electronic Record - REDF


Delivery Term

as per digit 8 of the National Register of Legal Entities - CNPJ registration number (see table below):

Digit 8      Term for electronic registration of issued invoice

0                              day 10th of the month following issue month;

1                              day 11th of the month following issue month;   

2                              day 12th of the month following issue month;

3                              day 13th of the month following issue month;

4                              day 14th of the month following issue month;

5                              day 15th of the month following issue month;

6                             day 16th of the month following issue month;

7                             day 17th of the month following issue month;

8                             day 18th of the month following issue month;

9                             day 19th of the month following issue month.




State - São Paulo


Application provided by tax authorities


Invoice, model 1 or 1-A


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority




Legislation contemplated


 Administrative Rule CAT 102, of November 9, 2007.

Types of Records Created

Record Type 10 - Header - File Identification

Information contained in this record are obtained from company file in the system.

Record Type 20 - Invoice Identification Data

Information contained in this record are obtained from Tax Records.

Record Type 30 - Data of Goods/Products and Services

This record is generated from invoice items.


Image RemovedImportant:

The CST – Code of Tax Status field is filled out through the fields D2_CLASFIS and D2_CLASFIS.

Record Type 40 - Invoice Total Values

This record is generated from the sum of the item values in the invoice.

Record Type 50 - Information of Invoice Transportation

This record is generated from carriers file and from invoice values.

Record Type 60 - Additional and Collection Information

This record is generated from generated bills

Record Type 90 - Footer

It contains totalizers of all records types existing in the magnetic file.

Image RemovedImportant:

In case of operations with ICMS, PIS and COFINS taxation, in which tax and merchandise values are added to the document total (for example, import transactions), values regarding this taxes are generated in field Other Accessory Expenses in file CAT102, according to Sefaz-SP instructions. For the correct filling out of field Other Accessory Expenses, you need to configure the following field in TIO file (SF4):

Decree CAT 102 (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)


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