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Normative Instruction 86 (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Normative Instruction 86 (MATA950 - SIGAFIS

This routine generates the magnetic file for import of Normative Instruction SRF 86.

It is mandatory to read the Normative Instruction SRF n. 86 and its concerning annexes for better understanding the magnetic files generation.


To whom it is applicable


To legal entities obliged to make available the systems and digital files to the Secretariat of Federal Revenue.




Making available the systems and digital files to the Secretariat of Federal Revenue, always they are required via notification, in terms of the art. 11, Law 8.218/91 (changed by the Provisional Measure n. 2.158-35, of 8/24/01) and the Normative Instruction SRF n. 86, of October 22, 2001.






Delivery Term


According to Federal Revenue Auditors.


Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


3.0.1 (March 19, 2010)


Where to find it





Normative Instruction SRF 243/2002.

As the INI type files differ as to system versions, use the INI file corresponding to the version in use.

Types of Records Created

Record type 411 - 411LANCSI2 - Accounting entries file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Accounting Entries (SI2).

Record type 411 - 411LANCCT2 - Accounting entries file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing when module SIGACTB (Management Accounting) is enabled in the system.

Record type 412 - 412SALSI1 - Monthly balances file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Chart of Accounts (SI1).

Record type 412 - 412SALCT1 - Monthly balances file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing when module SIGACTB (Management Accounting) is enabled in the system.

Record type 421 - 421CONTSE1 - Suppliers/Customers file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Accounts Receivable files.

Record type 421 - 421CONTSE2 - Suppliers/Customers file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Accounts Payable files.

Record type 421 - 421MOVRSE5 - Suppliers/Customers file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Accounts Receivable and Bank Movement files.

Record type 421 - 421MOVPSE5- - Suppliers/Customers file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Accounts Payable and Bank Movement files.

Record type 431 - 431MESTRESA - Goods/services master file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of the files: Outflow Invoices Headers, Tax Records, Customers File, Suppliers File and Carriers File.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 15/2009 (Configuration file norma086.INI)

Record type 431 - 431MESTREEN - Goods/services master file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of the files: Inflow Invoices Headers, Tax Records, Customers File, Suppliers File and Carriers File.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 15/2009 (Configuration file norma086.INI)

Record type 431 - 431MESTREENTSAI - Master file of goods/services inflow/outflow

The information of this file is generated according to the processing of the files: Inflow/Outflow Invoice Headers, Tax Records, Client File, Supplier File and Carrier File.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 432 - 432ITENSAID - Goods/services items file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the Processing of Outflow Invoices Items, Outflow Invoices Header and Generic Product Description.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 15/2009 (Configuration file norma086.INI)

Record type 432 - 432ITENENTR - Goods/services items file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the Processing of Inflow Invoices Items, Inflow Invoices Header and Generic Product Description.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 15/2009 (Configuration file norma086.INI)

Record type 432 - 432ITENENTRSAID - File of items of goods/services inflow/outflow

The information of this file is generated according to the Processing of Outflow/Inflow Invoice Items, Outflow Invoice Headers and Generic Product Description.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 433 - 433SERVENTR - Goods/services master file (inflow) - issued by third party

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Outflow Invoices Header.

Record type 434 - 434ITENSERV - Goods/services items file (inflow) - issued by third party

Information referring to this file is generated according to the Processing of Outflow Invoices Items, Outflow Invoices Header and Generic Product Description.

Record type 435 - 435NFSERV - Master file of service invoices issued by the legal entity

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Outflow Invoices Header, Inflow Invoices Header and Tax Records.

Record type 436 - 436ITESERVE - Items file of service invoices issued by the legal entity

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Outflow Invoices Items and Types of Inflow and Outflow.

Record type 438 - 438MESTENTR - Master file of service invoices issued by the third parties

The information of this file is generated according to the processing of Inflow Invoices issued by third parties.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 439 - 439ENTR - File of items of service invoices issued by the third parties

The information of this file is generated according to the processing of Inflow Invoices issued by third parties.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4310 - 4310SAIDA - File of goods/products or service included in tax document issued by fiscal printer (ECF)

The information of this file is generated according to the processing of outflow fiscal receipts.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4311 - 4311ENTR - File of goods/products or service included in tax document issued by fiscal printer (ECF) – third party issue

The information of this file is generated according to the processing of inflow fiscal receipts.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 441 - 441EXPORTAC - Export file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Outflow Invoices Header and Outflow Invoices Items.

Record type 442 - 442IMPORTAC - Import file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Inflow Invoices Header and Inflow Invoices Items.

Record type 451 - 451RESTOQU - Stock control file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Outflow Invoices Header, Inflow Invoices Header, Outflow Invoices Items, Inflow Invoices Items, Internal Transactions, Types of Inflow and Outflow and Generic Product Description.

Record type 452 - 452INVENTAR - Inventory record file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of transfers for quality control and Generic Product Description.

Record type 461 - 461INSUMOS - Related inputs file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Products Structure and Generic Product Description.

Record type 471 - 471ATIVO - Assets file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Fixed Asset File and Balances and Values File.

Record type 481 - 481FOLHA - Payroll file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Annual Accrued and Grant Amount.

Record type 482 - 482EMPREGAD - Employees file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Employees and Functions files.

Record type 491 - 491CLIFOR - Individual and legal entity file

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Customers and Suppliers files.

Record type 492 - 492PLANO - Chart of accounts table

Information referring to this table is generated according to the processing of Chart of Accounts.

Record type 492 - 492PLANO2 - Chart of accounts table

Information referring to this table is generated according to the processing of Chart of Accounts, when module SIGACTB (Management Accounting) is enabled in the system.

Record type 493 - 493CENTRO - Expense/cost center table

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of the Cost Center file.

Record type 494 - 494CFOP - Operation nature table

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Tables File, considering table 13 relating to CFOP.

Record type 495 - 495PRODUTO - Goods/services table

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of the Generic Product File.

Record type 496 - 496PROVENTO - Revenues/discounts table

Information referring to this file is generated according to the processing of Grant Amount file. 

Record type 4101 – 4101PISCOFINS – Complementary file of outflow of goods/services

The information of this file is generated according to the processing of outflow Invoices referring to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4102 – 4102COMPSAIDA – Complementary file of outflow of service not subject to ICMS

The information of this file is generated according to the processing of service invoices related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4103 – 4103PISCOFSADECF – Complementary file of outflow of tax documents issued by ECF

The information of this file is generated according to the processing of outflow receipts related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4104 – 4104PISCOFENTR – Complementary file of goods/services inflow issued by the legal entity

The information of this record is generated according to the processing of inflow invoices (internal form) related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4105 – 4105COMPENTRTERC – Complementary file of goods/services inflow issued by the third parties

The information of this record is generated according to the processing of inflow invoices related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4106 – 4106COMPENTR – Complementary file of inflow of services not subject to ICMS

The information of this record is generated according to the processing of service inflow invoices related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4107 – 4107PISCOFENTECF – Complementary file of inflow of tax documents issued by ECF

The information of this record is generated according to the processing of inflow receipts related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4111 – 4111COMPSAIDA – Complementary file of outflow of goods/services

The information of this record is generated according to the processing of inflow and outflow invoices related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4112 – 4112COMPSAIDASER – Complementary file of outflow of services not subject to ICMS

The information of this record is generated according to the processing of service outflow invoices related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4113 – 4113COMPENT – Complementary file of goods/services inflow issued by the legal entity

The information of this record is generated according to the processing of inflow invoices (internal form) related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4114 – 4114COMPENT – Complementary file of goods/services inflow issued by third parties

The information of this record is generated according to the processing of inflow invoices related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI)

Record type 4115 – 4115COMPENT – Complementary file of inflow of services not subject to ICMS

The information of this record is generated according to the processing of service inflow invoices related to PIS/COFINS.

Record generated only for layout ADE COFIS 55/2009 (Configuration file nor08655.INI


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