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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


When option is set to D (Return), if the origin invoice is not typed or selected through [F4] on the field Amount in the sales order, all dispatch invoices with balance to be returned are displayed. Select the invoice and press [Enter].

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After filling out fields Reference Fee and Reference Currency, a record of exchange reference fee is upheld, in the event of invoices issued in local currency regarding dollar and invoices issued in dollars regarding the local currency. This information is used in routines Invoice Generation and Packing Slip Generation.



When sending products for enhancement, the following tasks must be performed:

  1. Register an enhancement code in the structure;
  2. Issue an invoice for the raw material referring to the dispatch for enhancement. This invoice will be saved to the third party possession balance file, for control, invoice by invoice.
  3. A PO relating to the product that will be the result of the enhancement is opened.
  4. When receiving the material through the inbound invoice, inform the enhancement product code and the number of previous PO. Thus, the requisition of the same product is generated for the referenced PO.

Image ModifiedImportant:

  • Dispatch on Inflow is a dispatch from your customer: use Type B invoice and TIO with R in the field Third Party Possession.
  • Dispatch on Outflow is a dispatch to your supplier: use Type B invoice and TIO with R in the field Third Party Possession.
  • Return on Inflow is the return of a dispatch already made to your supplier: use Type N invoice and TIO with D in the field Third Party Possession.
  • Return on Outflow is the return of a dispatch already made by your customer: use Type N invoice and TIO with D in the field Third Party Possession.
  • If the Product File has the information relating to weight, quantity by package, package weight, etc., the fields Net Weight and Gross Weight can be automatically filled in, if Triggers are created for these fields (see topic Triggers in the Configurator Module).
  • Among the fields Quantity and Qty. Released, the system makes the necessary verifications and releases the order automatically if there are no credit restrictions for the customer and product stock..


See Also

To query sales orders, refer to:

  • Sales Order x Customer Report
  • Sales Order x Product Report
  • Order by Product or by Grid Report
  • Orders To be Billed Report

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  • LCT Calculation in the Invoicing routine
  • EXC Calculation in the Invoicing routine

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  • Additional Tax (IAD) Calculation in the Invoicing routine

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  • Value Added Tax (VAT) Calculation in the Invoicing routine
  • Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) Calculation in the Invoicing routine
  • Income Tax Withholding (RIR) in the Invoicing routine
