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The Sales Order is an essential tool for a company's invoicing, as it registers business operations of products and services. A sale if confirmed and relationships with the customer are formalized.

Complying with the Ecuadorian Law, the system guarantees that a sales order billing includes calculations demanded by tax authorities.


Value Added Tax (VAT/IVC)

The System allows adding credit notes, considering calculation of VAT. Calculation rules:

  • Calculation base:: Goods or Services Value - Discounts.
  • Rate: Rate entered in Product Register or in Variable Tax Register.
  • VAT/IVC: Calculation x Rate Base.

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Freights, expenses and insurance in the invoice are entered as items/services in a separate document. In this new document VAT or IVC are regularly calculated, according to calculation rules.

The tax value and the invoice total contain decimals calculated by the system.

1. Register the product in the Product Register.

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If you want to perform calculation, through the rate established in the product, the field Perc. VAT, of Product Register, must be filled out and present the corresponding rate.

2. Register the customer in the Customer Register.

3. Enter a sales order with registered product and customer, using the standard TIO created by the System (check VAT and IVC codes).

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For the VAT or IVC to be calculated as Exempt, the field Calc. VAT, in TIO Register, must be filled out with the option 3.

For the VAT or IVC to be calculated with Zero Rate, the field Calc. VAT, in TIO Register, must be filled out with the option 4.

4. Inform amount and unit value. Then, generate the bill payable:

5. Release and bill the order. VAT and IVC must be calculated and added to document amount.



In the events of return/cancellation of service provision total value of just part of it, Debit or Credit Notes (Invoicing) or Debit or Credit Notes (Purchases), depending on the case. These debit or credit notes are used to calculate the tax to be collected.children